[ thirty ]

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"Look at the stars tonight."

San squinted his eyes slightly before shaking his head. "No, no stars tonight."

Wooyoung smiled a bit and looked beside him. "But I'm looking at one right now."

San slowly smiled. "You cheesy little… God, I love you."

Wooyoung smiled, releasing a little laugh before stretching his right arm out beside him. It made contact with the dewy grass, wetting the sleeves of his REDBAT hoodie. San had claimed his college hoodie again, and was drowning in it at that moment.

"I'm tired," San sighed.

"Then let's go to bed."

San was silent for a moment. "Not that kind of tired… a different tired. Tired of life. Tired of living. Tired of problems."

"Just finish your assignment, you dramatic thing."

"It's painful!" San exclaimed quickly, sitting up from the grass. The back of his head held some of the dry grass that was once below him. "I can't deal with this! Life as a college student hurts, you know?"

Wooyoung sat up, immediately placing a soft kiss on San's lips. "You chose physics."

San whined like a baby and folded his arms. "Stop reading me like I'm an open book."

"You're an open book to me," Wooyoung smiled. "I know what you're thinking, what you're feeling. I know when the time is right for certain things."

"So you knew last night I was willing," San mumbled, shifting closer to Wooyoung.

"I knew you were stressed, so I was gentle. This physics project is hurting you mentally, and what more than slow, relaxing love to ease you into relaxation?" the other smiled, pushing San's hair behind his ear. "I know when is the appropriate time. I know that it's important to wait too. Just know that when we do it, I love you more than anything."


"Honestly," Wooyoung nodded. "I will never do anything against your will. Because I love you so much. More than anything. It's infinite — more than the stars in the sky. If I could take a star from the sky every time I thought of my love for you, there'd be no stars in the sky. I'd have the brightest galaxies in my hands, and they would still pale in comparison to the sparkle in your eyes." He smiled softly and kissed San's nose. "You're my brightest star, and that's really saying something when it comes from a future astronomer."

San smiled softly, putting his head on Wooyoung's shoulder. "I wish I could have a cheesy metaphor to use to describe my love for you. But I have nothing to say except that I love you."

Wooyoung smiled. "That's more than enough."

The two stared up at the sky in silence when a shooting star crossed their vision. They would have seen, had they not been so wrapped up in each other's love. Wooyoung did see it, however — and his immediate wish was to spend eternity with the one at his side. He wanted to be with San forever — in his arms and in many more ways.

San was his.

He was San's.

They had each other.

And absolutely nothing could oull them apart.

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