[ twenty (16+?? idk skip if u want) ]

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San ended spending the night at Wooyoung's parents' place, as they had fallen asleep together while cuddling. Wooyoung's parents had gone off to a high school reunion dinner, and there would be an after-party, so they would be back in the morning hours.

Wooyoung borrowed a pair of boxers and a T-shirt to San after a nice warm shower. The two settled together on Wooyoung's bed, fighting lightly with the pillows. San whined playfully when Wooyoung smacked him in the face with the pillow.

"Ah, stop now," San giggled, holding Wooyoung's wrist.

Wooyoung stared into San's eyes for a moment, and the slightly older stared back. His eyes fell closed as he leaned closer and claimed San's lips immediately. San kissed back, his body falling down backwards onto the bed. San lifted his legs, propping his knees on the sides of Wooyoung's body. The other positioned himself between San's legs, their kiss slowly becoming deeper.

Wooyoung's hands moved to the T-shirt, lifting it slightly so that he could hold San's pretty waist. The blonde male screwed his eyes shut as Wooyoung bit on his bottom lip gently. Wooyoung invaded San's mouth, his tongue exploring ever so freely. Wooyoung muttered something, but San didn't really pick it up, but he heard the word 'really', but that didn't make sense in its own.

Wooyoung trailed his lips down San's neck, licking his collarbone before biting and sucking down on it. San bit his lips to hold back his moaning, but it was quite difficult to do so. He gripped the duvet desperately, wanting anything to fix his 'problem'.

"It's okay, baby," Wooyoung whispered, moving his lips to a new location. "Make a noise. No one can judge you."

"S-someone might hear," San muttered, gasping when Wooyoung attacked a particularly sensitive spot. Wooyoung clearly enjoyed that — his grip had suddenly increased on San's waist.

"It's okay," Wooyoung whispered gently, his breath creating tingles on San's neck. Eventually, he nodded and Wooyoung placed gentle kisses across his chest to the other collarbone, repeating the same actions as before. San was still shy to make a noise, but Wooyoung was determined.

"W-Wooyoung," San stuttered, his cheeks bright red. "Wooy-young, p-please, I… ah—!"

Wooyoung placed his knee between San's legs  and the poor boy grinded down gently. He was desperate for friction to get rid of the problem between his legs. Wooyoung didn't want to do something San didn't want to, so he allowed him to make the decision himself.

Wooyoung removed his knee, moving lower and raising the T-shirt completely. San shivered slightly, but hadn't said no yet, so Wooyoung continued. He looked at San's paper white skin and leaned down. He licked a small wet stripe across his side before stopping and creating a little purple mark on his skin. San gasped out little moans each time, his eyes shut tight as Wooyoung's lips travelled over his body.

"W-Wooyoung, I n-need… p-please…" he mumbled, his words barely audible over his moaning. Wooyoung moved lower, kissing San's v-line gently.

"Can I?" Wooyoung asked, kissing the sensitive skin softly. San nodded almost desperately, his grip on the duvet urgent but weak.

"Please," he almost begged. "I need s-something. Just… be careful, okay? Don't hurt yourself."

Wooyoung chuckled. "Don't worry about me, baby. Just relax, and I'll take it from here."

San trusted Wooyoung.

He wouldn't go too far.

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