[ twenty six ]

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"Wooyoung oppa!"

Wooyoung turned around, smiling when he saw Yeji walk towards him. She smiled widely, waving sweetly at him. He waited for her to catch up and she bowed politely at him when she finally reached his side.

"Ah, where's Jooheon today? Feeling 'sick' again?" Wooyoung cackled. Yeji laughed with a little eyeroll and nodded.

"You know how he is — barely at school nowadays," she smiled. "Heard you and a guy called Choi San started dating. That's cute, how did you meet?"

"Wait, the very beginning? Woah, that was all the way in first year," Wooyoung laughed a bit. "Ah, I saw him on orientation day. He looked so nervous and scared, it was honestly the most adorable thing ever. He looked like he wanted to just dig a hole, give it a name and live in it."


Yeji laughed. "Ah, cute."

"Well, when I was making friends, I was more successful, but then I saw that he was all alone. I wanted to approach him, but Kang Yeosang was all like 'hey, let's be friends!' and I kind of lost an opportunity. I was scared to talk to him, scared that he would find actual me as a weirdo. I mean, I'm a weirdo with all my friends, which is why I'm so likeable, I guess. I was scared it would… weird him out."

"How did you start dating?" she asked with a wide smile. She could tell Wooyoung was excited to tell her this part.

"Okay, so," he began excitedly, "I decided to, like, ask him if he was busy on the weekend — to my luck, he wasn't! So I took him to my special beach, and we had fun all day. Then we camped under the stars on the beach. And… I confessed. I kissed him, and since then, we've been dating."

Yeji cooed and laughed a bit. "That's adorable! You know, sometimes I want a boyfriend like you — take me places, kiss me under the stars, just tell me he loves me every day and assure me that he'll love me forever."

"Doesn't Seungmin do that?"

"He doesn't kiss me under the stars!" she exclaimed. "Gosh, I actually don't deserve Seungmin. His cute little giggles and baby face shouldn't be with me. He's so adorable. He tries really hard to impress me — little does he know, I already love everything he does. He's my baby, and I love him so much."

"Much more than Yeeun did, I hope," Wooyoung said with an awkward face. "She treated him horribly. 'Do this, do that, ugh you, did it wrong!' She pissed me off, really. When they broke up, I was so hecking happy. Then my best friend's little sister came along and changed his life. He's smiling a lot nowadays because of you."

"I know, we're perfect for each other," Yeji smiled softly. "I hope we stay together for a long time. Long enough to figure out that I want to be kissed under the stars."

"Well, you're older than him, so take care of him," Wooyoung smiled. "Enjoy your day at school."

Yeji waved as she walked off. "You too, oppa! Enjoy your day with Choi San!"

Ah, his cute boyfriend.

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