[ twenty one ]

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That was the first time San ever did something sexual.

And it was with Jung Wooyoung.

He never felt more happy in his entire life.

Even on this morning, as he walked with Wooyoung in college this particular day, wearing Wooyoung's college hoodie that he had accidentally bought a few sizes too big, so he has never really worn it. San was drowning in its warmth, the hood also falling over his eyes slightly. They decided to go to San's group of friends this day.

"You two arriving at the same time, and San is wearing Wooyoung's clothes? Okay, spill," Yeosang smirked, crossing his arms.

San giggled and looked at Wooyoung. The other smiled and nodded. San sighed and turned to them. "It was really nice."

Mingi cringed immediately and pretended to gag. "Ew! Why, what the heck?!"

Wooyoung chuckled, putting a soft kiss on San's cheek. "Ah, we didn't go too far. It was simple and nice. Loving."

San hugged Wooyoung's arm and the hood fell over his eyes completely. They laughed as Wooyoung lifted the hoodie. "Besides," San grinned, "Wooyoung wouldn't go too far. Because he loves me."

Wooyoung hugged San's waist tightly, resting his head against San's. "I'm never letting you go now. Well, I'll let you go physically for classes, but you're mine forever. All my attention is on you, okay?"

"Ugh, they're so cute, I want that," Yeosang pouted. Jongho slowly frowned, poking the inside of his cheek with his cheek. Yeosang was still pouting childishly as he looked at the mushy couple.

"What am I here for?" Jongho eventually asked, folding his arms. It was as if Yeosang remembered that he had a boyfriend and his eyes widened comically.

"Decoration," Mingi joked and the youngest addition to the group tried to punch him, but Mingi wailed as he ran off to avoid the muscle man himself. San laughed, shaking his head slightly — with the Jongho and Wooyoung addition, the group had become more comical and… funny. They developed a sense of humor that would only be understood by them, entangling themselves in a flurry of inside jokes, dark humor and insults.

San liked this.

Wooyoung seemed to enjoy San's group of friends much more than his own. Although Wooyoung somehow created the perfect balance between being with his own friends and being with San, he didn't seem as happy with them anymore. San could see that with every second Wooyoung was with his own friends, he would rather much be with San.

San realized to himself, though, after a bit, that it was a bit selfish of him to seek benefit from that. His smile disappeared as thoughts that shouldn't be in his head invaded. He thought that maybe he was pulling Wooyoung from his friends. What if Wooyoung had no one to go to if they… seperated? San knew deep inside that they wouldn't be together forever, but he still had yet to accept that fact.

"Sannie? Are you okay?" Wooyoung's gentle voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked at Wooyoung's slightly fallen expression and bit his lips.

"I'm okay," San said, his voice doing very little convincing. He knew Wooyoung would want to talk about it later, so he worked on mentally preparing himself for that conversation.

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