[ twenty nine ] (really mature so skip if u want)

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Wooyoung gently pressed his lips to San's, tugging him forward by his jacket. San could feel the genuine love in that one touch, that tug of desperation that showed that Wooyoung wanted his love. San kissed back, tilting his head for that extra bit of access. Wooyoung hissed a bit, moaning out San's name.

"Wooyoung, what's w—"

"Just kiss me."

And San did just that.

San didn't expect to find such desperation in his words and was actually quite surprised. He wanted San so hopelessly. He allowed it, sensing that it was what Wooyoung wanted — he wanted to be loved and kissed at that moment.

He kissed Wooyoung softly and gently, and allowed the boy to pull him closer by his waist. Wooyoung moaned softly, exploring the cavern of San's mouth gently and softly. He pulled away for a second, kissing his lips a few times gently.

"Can we?" Wooyoung asked softly. San was quiet for a moment before nodding. Wooyoung eased him down on the bed, his lips travelling to San's neck, down his jawline and Adam's apple. San whined softly, feeling Wooyoung's hands going lower than his waist.

"Slower," San mumbled. Wooyoung nodded, taking San's hand and leading it to his belt. San yelped slightly when Wooyoung bit down on his skin gently. He didn't complain — instead, he welcomed the tender yet rough feeling. San hurriedly unbuckled Wooyoung's pants, pulling away to breathe heavily.

"You look so pretty right now…" Wooyoung mumbled, connecting their lips almost immediately afterwards. He put a knee between San's legs and watched the boy desperately grind down in an attempt to find some relief. Wooyoung pressed against him, listening to him whine so desperately.

"W-wooyoung…" San whimpered softly, finally stopping and lying flat on his back. "God, please. Give it to me, please."

Wooyoung nodded, lifting his knee against him once more before pulling his hoodie off and dropping it beside San. The other frantically tried to unbutton his jeans — he did so successfully and pulled it off completely. Wooyoung pulled his shirt off as well, dropping it down beside the bed. He then undressed San, wanting to see him in his full uncovered glory as they made love for the second time.

Passionate kisses joined passionate lips.

Passionate hearts conjoined.

A deep love spread through them like no other.

They wanted to be together for eternity.

They felt it deep within their minds — deep in their souls.

And as Wooyoung thrusted slowly and deeply, San felt that love. That deep, loud love that bubbled over their hearts excitedly and just wanted to be shown to the rest of the world. They both felt that love and were able to tell each other what they wanted through their connected hearts.

San held him close, as if he were afraid to let go. He wanted nothing more than to finally feel release, to let Wooyoung know just how much he loved him. Tears lingered in his eyes as he softly whispered Wooyoung's name into his ear. Soft moans erupted from his throat as their skin glistened with sweat. Wooyoung wasn't too shy with the noises either.

San sighed softly before releasing a low whine. "I'm close…"

Wooyoung tilted his head, nodding in acknowledgement as he leaned down and captured his lips in a soft kiss. San pulled away, shaking his head as the final sensations built up inside him. His body trembled with desperation — he wanted to be satisfied.

He wanted Wooyoung to show him how much he loved him.


"It's okay, baby," Wooyoung cooed softly. "Do it. It's okay, you can." He placed a kiss on San's shoulder. "I'll do it with you."

San whimpered lowly before his body shuddered one last time. A moan caught in his throat before he tightened his grip around Wooyoung's neck. He reached his peak, and as promised, Wooyoung filled him up to the brim with his seed. San limply let go the other's neck, his body falling to the bed. Wooyoung thrusted a few more times before he pulled out.

And that was it for the day.

Who knew how many more times they would have sex.

But for now, San didn't want to worry about that.

He focused on the passionate love they shared for that moment.

"I'm yours, you're mine."

San smiled. "You're mine."

Wooyoung kissed him gently. "I'm yours."

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