[ twenty five ]

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[ Slightly longer, enjoy! :D ]
[ — ericverse ]

San purposely went a bit later to Wooyoung's house just so that he didn't have to see Hwanwoong and invoke that petty jealousy within him again. He rather went near the evening, but Wooyoung didn't seem one bit happy when he came so late.

"You said you'd come after the hour with Harin," he said, his eyes for forming skeptical lines. San bit his lips together, avoiding eye contact. He didn't want to let Wooyoung know that he was being petty again.

"I-I had to help Yunho with something," San stuttered. Wooyoung didn't seem to be believing him, so he sighed in defeat. "I didn't want to come too early. Simple as that."

"So you don't want to spend time with me?"

"Wooyoung, that's—"

"No, I get it," Wooyoung said, his tone pouty. "You don't want to be with me. I get it, I'm not likeable."

San groaned, closing the door behind him. "You're like a baby. Come, let's go watch Coraline."

"Wait, you really brought it? Okay, you're forgiven."


"Aw, the popcorn is finished."

Wooyoung looked at the bowl on San's lap and took it away, putting it on the floor. He looked at San, his eyes drifting from his pouty lips (because of the darn popcorn) and to his downcast eyes. He was really upset about the popcorn.

And he called Wooyoung a baby.

"We can make more," Wooyoung spoke softly, trying not to overcome the sound of the movie.

San shook his head. "No, it's fine. The movie is almost finished anyways."

Wooyoung stared a bit longer, observing San's features. He observed the curve of San's lips, the shape of his eyes, the slant of his nose, the prettiness of his skin, the soft look in the pupils of his eyes — he looked at everything. He stared in adoration, not having to look from afar like San had. He was right there beside him, and he never felt more in love.

San giggled after a bit and looked at Wooyoung. "Quit staring, you weirdo."

"I love you."

San widened his eyes. "Uhm, I love you too, but that was sudden—"

Wooyoung suddenly chuckled, looking away for a moment. He then put his arms around San's waist, holding his tightly as their bodies fell flat onto the bed. "Ahh, you're so pretty~! My pretty Sannie!"

San smiled widely, a laugh erupting from his throat as Wooyoung began tickling him. They eventually stopped, Wooyoung's arms resting beside San's head. They looked at each other in the eyes, staring in silence. San felt as if his heart was going to pop out of his chest.

And they kissed.






When San opened his brown eyes to the gentle morning glow, he was awoken to the sight of a beautifully sleeping Wooyoung. Albeit bare-bodied, he was still gorgeous. His arms were on San's bare waist, his fingers gently grazing his bare skin.

San smiled. It was their first time. It wasn't bad — well, he didn't have a standard for 'bad' yet because it was his first time doing the deed. But San felt good. He felt as if he was taken care of. Wooyoung was careful not to hurt him, and treated him well. San could remember every single 'it's okay' and 'I love you' that Wooyoung had uttered so hotly against the skin of his neck.

In the end, he felt loved.

San looked at Wooyoung's sleeping face, staring for a moment. Oh, how he loved the boy that he once stared at from afar. The boy he could only dream of being with. The boy that knew everyone. The boy that had such a beautiful smile. Such a beautiful laugh. Such a beautiful everything, really.

The boy that said he loves him.

San was happy. Content. He was filled with the energy of all things bright. He was glad that he could spend such a night with Jung Wooyoung.

With the boy that loves him back.

"Why are you awake?"

San watched as Wooyoung's eyes fluttered opened, revealing bright brown eyes that greeted the morning a bit grumpily. San giggled, putting a soft kiss on Wooyoung's forehead.

"Morning, Youngie," San grinned.

"You didn't answer my question, you adorable psychopath," Wooyoung grumbled, covering his face with a blanket. "Gosh, didn't we just fall asleep 15 minutes ago?"

"Possibly," San giggled softly. "Thank you, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung hummed in response and lifted his head. "For what, angel?"

San smiled, running a hand through Wooyoung's dark hair. "For making me feel loved."

Wooyoung smiled, drawing San even closer, even if they were already an intertwined mess. "You were meant to be loved. Don't thank me for what I'm supposed to do. Thank me for doing more."

San snuggled into his grip. "Well, in that case — thank you for being gentle last night. It… it was great. Thank you."

Wooyoung hummed, burying his head in the blanket again. "Well, it was kinda slow… next time will be an improvement, right? More feeling."

San blushed a bit. "Maybe."

He knew they would.

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