[ three ]

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Yeosang was right.

Two days later, Wooyoung and the short-skirted girl had broken up. She was sad, and so was Wooyoung, but he looked relieved, yet worried at the same time. San could see that he wasn't exactly happy that he had gotten out of his relationship with Jiyeong, but it was as if he knew all the girls will be flocking to confess to him again.

It was a relief to San, but he didn't want to find pleasure in Wooyoung's unhappiness, so he felt rather neutral about it. He tried not to have a big reaction, but he couldn't really hide that he was relieved that Jung Wooyoung was once again single.

But knowing that Wooyoung still had no idea who he was brought him down to earth very quickly.

San sighed, glancing at Wooyoung from across the lunch hall. He could hear him laughing from all the way across the hall. It was just so loud and joyful, leaving that fuzzy feeling inside San's chest. It was clear that he was in love.

"San. Staring again."

San turned away quickly. "Stop saying that I'm staring, you weirdo."

Yeosang shook his head. "Maybe if you stopped staring, I wouldn't have to say it."

San crossed his arms. "They broke up, but she's still all over him? I don't understand relationships."

"You'll get there," Yunho smiled, putting his head on Mingi's shoulder. The latter smiled, his eyes disappearing into two lines as he did so. San sighed, feeling envious of his friends' relationship.

He was so lonely.

"Ah, San, stop worrying!" Yeosang exclaimed, hitting San's arm. "You'll get a boyfriend. One hotter than Wooyoung. Not hotter than Seonghwa, though. Maybe cute, too. But not cuter than Jongho."

"I want someone that is Wooyoung or don't have a boyfriend at all," San sighed, glancing over at his love interest. "He's so beautiful. And I'm a potato."

"You can become French fries," Mingi added hopefully.

"That's if you kill me. Please."

Yunho pointed a finger at San. "We don't tolerate suicide jokes in my household."

Yeosang frowned. "What kind of Gen Z doesn't make suicide jokes? Get out."

Yunho laughed a bit at that. San could only smile a bit.

"Besides," Yeosang smiled, "you'll only ever know if Wooyoung will like you if you tell him, or at least attempt to talk to him. No one ever gets through to him without talking to him."

"I'm scared, though," San sighed, resting his head on his palm. He glanced at Wooyoung and sighed heavily. "He's so beautiful. But he's… he's like a rare flower. I can't touch him. If I do, the people higher up get upset."

"Why was that such an accurate metaphor?" Mingi frowned.

"Because Jung Wooyoung is a flower," San sighed in a whining tone. "Such a beautiful flower. The most beautiful of all. Everything about him is just perfect. His eyes, his lips, his everything."

San sighed. But his eyes suddenly widened as Jung Wooyoung himself looked over at San, a smile spreading over his lips.

"Oh. We've made eye contact."

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