[ fifteen ]

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San smiled, watching Wooyoung toss the basketball into the net, but almost missed. It moved around the rim for a moment before falling in. Wooyoung sighed to himself in disappointment before bouncing the ball and attempting to shoot it again.

"You did good," San called out, clapping his hands to motivate the slightly younger male.

"Almost failed, though," Wooyoung replied, tossing the ball up into the hoop. This time, he missed completely. He sighed, jogging after the ball with a rather dejected look in his eyes. "I don't know what the heck is wrong with me…"

"Concentrate," San advised, a smile still on his lips. Wooyoung chuckled and looked over at him.

"Difficult when you're here," he said with a slight teasing lilt. San giggled, his cheeks turning red for a moment.

"Ah, stop making me red," he smiled. "Your words affect me easily. Stop hurting my heart."

Wooyoung chuckled, bouncing the ball as he walked over to San. He stood in between the boy's legs, resting his elbows on San's thighs gently. "Ah, I'm sorry, angel. Shouldn't I compliment you?"

San shook his head. "You can, but just accept that I'll get flustered every time you do."

Wooyoung smiled, looking up at the blushing boy sitting on the wall. San's breath hitched and he turned redder as Wooyoung came closer, clearly expecting something. San leaned downwards, about to connect their lips, but they were disturbed by loud hollering and whistles.

"Step away from the baby, sir!" Jongho's voice exclaimed as he walked onto the court down the stairs, followed closely by his slightly embarrassed boyfriend. "You'll be arrested for pedophilia if you continue!"

"We have arrived!" Mingi exclaimed. "And we have brought the snacks!"

"I've already claimed the blue shaved ice!" Yunho yelled, running down the steps with a container in his hands containing 6 shaved ice cups — two red, two green and two blue.

"And I secretly brought alcohol," Yeosang said, making a pervert face. Wooyoung's ears perked up at the mention of alcohol and quickly questioned its location, but Yeosang didn't answer yet.

San didn't like the sound of alcohol.

"Quick, the shaved ice is going to melt," Yunho said, taking his blue cup. Yeosang and Jongho both took red, Wooyoung took a blue, and Mingi and San took the green ones. Wooyoung dug through Mingi's backpack in search of the promised snacks and found a pack of gummy worms.

"Hey, those I bought for me!" Mingi whined.

"Ah, share," Wooyoung pouted. Mingi agreed and the boy grinned widely. Yeosang fed some of his shaved ice to Jongho, who smiled brightly at the action. Yeosang fed him often, and he had grown accustomed to it. San found it cute, and then realized that he, too, fed Wooyoung often.

It must be a sub thing.

"You play basketball?" Mingi asked, gesturing to the ball beside Wooyoung on the concrete floor.

"Ah — used to," Wooyoung muttered. "S-something caused me to lose interest in it for a while, but I'm trying to get back into it."

San frowned. "Something?"

"I'll tell you soon," Wooyoung smiled weakly. San bit his lips nervously — was Wooyoung really hiding something from him?

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