[ six ]

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That one time at the bookstore was the first and last time San and Wooyoung spoke. He didn't come back for the book, but on that Wednesday, Wooyoung had checked his backpack and pulled the small book out with a smile. He must've gotten it that morning. He was excited to read it, but his plans were interrupted when the usual group of people began surrounding him.

Popularity must hurt.

San pitied him.

Along with his (totally not usual) staring, San noticed that Wooyoung began declining offers to hang out with people. Even for weekend plans, he was cancelling things with his friends. He was rejecting offers to go skateboarding, saying no to beach days, even declining study groups.

He wanted to be alone.

That was a first from the popular kid.

It surprised everyone.

San got a text from his boss, saying that the shop would be closed that Saturday because he was going to a pop-up antique market in upper Seoul for the day. San sighed in disappointment, but smiled when he got a following text saying that he would still be getting paid for the Saturday.

"I have a free day Saturday," San grinned, nudging Yeosang. "Wanna hang out?"

Yeosang winced apologetically. "Sorry, bud. Jongho and I are going to Scream Zone on Saturday. I'm available Sunday, though."

"I'm working on Sunday," San sighed. "What about you, Yunho?"

"Babysitting," Yunho replied in an apologetic tone. "I doubt Mingi will be available either — he has a practice match against Seonguk Junior College on Saturday."

San groaned in frustration. "This is when I wish for more friends."

"Why don't you hang out with Jung Wooyoung?" Yeosang teased, poking San's arm. The latter just rolled his eyes and flickes his eyes over at the boy that was speaking to the rest of the crowd. "Just ask if he's busy this Saturday. Simple."

San smiled a bit as he remembered that meeting and Wooyoung's blank statement as they stared into each other's eyes. Simple eye contact. For the first time. It really made San happy. Knowing that Wooyoung smiled when they met eyes.

Knowing that Wooyoung didn't mind that they knew one another.

Wooyoung looked at San again.

They met eyes again.

Wooyoung smiled and waved.

San began blushing and gave him a small wave.

Thank goodness his friends didn't see.

The week really dragged itself out for San. Friday took forever to arrive, and it wasn't even like he was excited about the weekend. He would be bored all weekend.

Or would he?

"Choi San!"

San turned around at the mention of his name. To his biggest surprise, the owner of the honey voice was Jung Wooyoung. The boy jogged over to him, clutching his backpack to his chest with one hand to keep it still.

"San," he smiled, panting slightly. "Uh… are you busy this weekend?"

San stared for a moment. Was the Jung Wooyoung asking him if he was free that weekend? The universe was clearly playing tricks on him — something bad was going to happen.

"I'm not," San muttered, shaking his head.

Wooyoung gave a bright smile. "I found a beach we can go to."

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