[ nineteen ]

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San sighed heavily, flicking his mechanical pencil left and right a few times before sighing. "I wanted nothing more than to be noticed by him, and now I'm such an idiot because I denied his attention. I'm so petty…"

Seonghwa chuckled. "You're not petty. You're just being a boyfriend. You unconsciously told yourself that math was more important than you, and that's fine. It's reasonable."

"But what if I made him feel bad by telling him to stay behind?" San sighed. "What if he wanted to be with me now? We always spend time together in the morning."

"Ah, he won't mind," Seonghwa shrugged, putting a chip in his mouth. "Did you complete question 2?"

San watched Wooyoung rush towards him, his hair flopping everywhere as he ran quickly. San smiled a bit, a small laugh erupting from his throat. Wooyoung caught up to him, his breath heavy and ragged.

"San, angel," he panted, shutting his eyes tightly as he tried to regain his breath. San laughed, but Wooyoung held his hand out and stopped him immediately.

Well then.

San bit back a giggle. "What's wrong?"

Wooyoung finally regained his breath and sighed. "I… I thought that because you… jeez I'm tired… you study so much, and we can't spend much time together because of it… we… whew… we could study… together…"

San widened his eyes. Did Wooyoung really run…? San burst out laughing immediately, clutching his stomach as his laughter became a bit much. "Wooyoung, you are literally more clingier than I thought you would be from afar. But because exams are coming up soon, I guess we can study together."

Wooyoung smiled widely. "Great. Now you can combine boyfriend time and studying time."

San smiled shyly and stepped forward. "You're such a dork." He put a kiss on Wooyoung's nose and giggled. "I love that about you."

Wooyoung smiled and held his hand out. "I'm your dork anyways."

San took his hand and giggled. "Yeah. So — mind explaining to me what happened yesterday and why I have a killer hickey on my collarbone."

Wooyoung paled slightly. "O-oh."

Wooyoung had kept to his word, and the two were studying calmly, Wooyoung asking questions once in a while. However, Wooyoung felt a bit tired after almost 1 hour. He found himself inching closer to San, his head eventually on San's shoulder.

"San, I'm tired," Wooyoung sighed. "I did good, didn't I? I studied well. Now can I have boyfriend-boyfriend time? Please?"

San hummed before closing his notebook and putting his pencil in his pencilcase. "Okay, I guess we can. I'm still in a studying mood, though." Wooyoung whined, wrapping his arms around San's waist, pulling him down to the carpeted floor. San laughed loudly, snuggling into Wooyoung's arms. "This is uncomfortable, but I'll stay here for you."

Wooyoung smiled, rearranging his arms so that they both felt more comfortable. "There."

San smiled. "Such a weirdo."

Wooyoung smiled gently, looking up at the ceiling. He remembered the day they confessed to each other under the starry night sky, their promise joining the stars above. He was so happy he got to express his feelings yo the boy that just watched longingly from afar.

He could sense that San genuinely liked him.

And they definitely loved one another.

And he was happy like that.

Just the two of them, against the world.

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