[ five ]

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San was eternally grateful when his sister managed to get him a job at a local vintage bookstore for the weekend. He needed some extra cash, and all he had to do was watch the shop when the owner was out trading and 'hunting' for more ancient literature.

It was a regular Saturday when he started his job. The owner showed him how everything had a plastic wrapping around it with the price on it. Buyers were allowed to open the plastic and look at the books. The more expensive books were up front, while the cheaper ones were on shelves without plastic covering, to show that they weren't too old.

His shift started at 10am, and the owner left promptly. The store remained generally empty for most of the day, and San spent most of his time daydreaming about the perfect smile of Jung Wooyoung. His contagious laugh, his perfect looks, his friendly personality…

The door opened.

San looked up from the book he wasn't really reading anymore. He saw a mop of black hair enter the store, but his mind was still a bit fuzzy from his daydreaming. He saw the back of the person's head and widened his eyes.

It was Jung Wooyoung!

He lifted the book to cover his eyes, but left his eyes opened a bit. He looked even better up close…! Ah, he's so close, yet so far. Still out of reach from San. He could never get too near to Jung Wooyoung. He watched as Wooyoung took a book out, flipped through a few pages and put it down on the table. He picked up a smaller book and turned around.



San stared at Wooyoung with big eyes but a blank face. Wooyoung stared in a similar way as well. "Oh. We've made eye contact."

San wanted to just dig a hole, name it Larry and then live inside it. Or maybe even Carl. Or Simon. Some generic name. Maybe even give it an actual common Korean name, like… Minhyuk or something. Point is, he wanted to live in a hole for the rest of his life. Wooyoung had never spoken to him before, and his first words were those.

'We've made eye contact'

What a fun way to start the day, right?

San couldn't find his words at all — he was tongue-tied. How could he talk when the most beautiful man on planet earth (some may have other opinions) was right in front of him?

"Do you work here?" Wooyoung eventually asked, walking towards San. Oh, now he was even closer. San was 1000% sure Wooyoung was a danger to his blood pressure. San just nodded, afraid to say something dumb. "Oh. Well, how much is this book?"

San looked at the title of the book and sifted through the prices in the display file on the counter. "U-uh… World Beyond Astrophysics… ₩14,000."

Wooyoung winced a bit. "Ooh, tight. I can only get the big one for now. Will you keep this aside for me so I can come buy it tomorrow?"

San nodded. "Y-yeah." He wasn't even sure if he could do that.

Wooyoung smiled. "Thanks so much, uh…"

"San." He smiled softly. "Choi San."

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