[ four ]

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Yeosang had helplessly experienced a heartbreak.

This particular day, news went around that Park Seonghwa was dating Kim Hongjoong, and it was confirmed when the two were seen during lunch, sitting together at a lunch table and acting all gross and couple-y. San felt envious once again, but Yeosang experienced a heartbreak like no other.

He was bawling his eyes out onto San's shoulder, and the latter truly felt pitiful for his best friend because Yeosang was always there for him whenever he complained about Wooyoung. Yeosang was truly broken, because he had genuinely liked Seonghwa. It seemed like their relationship would last, however, because Seonghwa and Hongjoong knew each other before.

"I should've just confessed," Yeosang sniffled, wiping his eyes. "I sh-should've just told him that I l-liked him. But I couldn't. How can I do anything one day w-when I can't even tell someone when I like them?"

San bit his lips nervously. "Well… what about Jongho? He's hopelessly single right now. Give this whole Seonghwa thing some time, and at least you know now you can dedicate your time to Jongho."

Yeosang smiled before dabbing his eyes with a tissue. "He… we spoke to each other the other day. He's m-more promising than Seonghwa. Jongho is really sweet, and right now, it may seem like I just might be using him to get over Seonghwa, but… I might just genuinely like Choi Jongho more than Seonghwa."

San smiled gently, rubbing Yeosang's back softly. "At least we know you like cute guys."

Yeosang laughed a bit. "Kinda, yeah. I like cute guys like Jongho, mostly."

San grinned and leaned closer to Yeosang. "You know what to do now, right?"

Yeosang groaned and rolled his eyes. "No, I'm not confessi—"

"You're confessing!" San exclaimed over Yeosang's words, pulling the boy up from the ground. Yeosang made noises of complaint and tried his best to centre his weight so that San had difficulty pulling him up. "Stand up, you coward!"

"I won't!" Yeosang exclaimed with determination. "Choi Jongho will never know that I like him!!"

"… oh?"

Both the boys stopped fighting against each other and looked behind Yeosang. There stood Choi Jongho, a hopeful smile on his pretty lips. Yeosang turned bright red, instant regret filling his entire being.

"Oh shit," San whispered to himself.

Yeosang gulped nervously. "J-Jongho! Hi! U-uhm, just imagine that you have sudden memory loss and can't remember anything from the last 20 seconds, then continue on with your merry life, ple—"

Jongho laughed a bit as he neared Yeosang. "Hyung, I like you too." He stopped just before Yeosang and sat down in front of him. "I couldn't figure out how to tell you, so I figured becoming your friend was the way to go. Also… there's no use denying it. I know you're going to try and deny that you like me. It's too late, I've accepted it."

Yeosang was bright pink in the face as Jongho spoke. "You weirdo."

Jongho bit his lip excitedly. "So, hyung… wanna date?"

Yeosang said yes, of course.

And San's envy kept growing, until he himself would become the green-eyed monster.

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