[ airman ]

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If anyone knew me, they'd know that Airman is my favourite musical artist of all time, and he's so, so underrated :( his music videos aren't the best, I'll say that, but I absolutely love, love, LOVE him. So here are some of his songs that I absolutely love:

• 아이 [Child]
• 비를 내여줘요 [Let It Rain]
• 잡을 청한다 [I Want to Sleep]
• 파란섬 [Blue Moon] (ft. 1ho, Chan)
• Though I Want to Complain (ft. Godak)
• Gloomy Star (ft. 1ho, Chan)
• 오늘, 비 [Today, Rain] (ft. 1ho, Chan)

I love soft artists :( a few other artists will include VIXX's Hyuk, Ulala Session, offonoff, Davichi, So Soo Bin, Mokyo, EXO's Chen, 10cm, The Ade, Standing Egg, BTS's V, amongst many others! While loud, hype K-Pop music is fun, the gentle side of K-Pop needs to be appreciated.

Also, it's a surprise that Hyuk makes soft music with guitar and paino backgrounds, while VIXX themselves make so much loud music lol

Anyways, please appreciate these artists (especially Airman owo)! Comment here if you've checked them out ;)

(PS: I was actually listening to Today, Rain when writing this)

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