[ seventeen ]

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Wooyoung wondered if San would be able to remember anything in the morning. He could remember everything as clear as day. He remembered how he and San touched each other, but not too much. He remembered the sounds San made, throwing Wooyoung further into ecstasy and pleasure.

But Wooyoung knew he couldn't go too far, even with consent.

After all, they were drunk. He couldn't fully trust his conscience.

San smiled when he saw his boyfriend down the hallway, standing with his group of friends. But Wooyoung hadn't seen him yet — funny. Wooyoung always kept an eye out for him in the morning. He shook his head and walked towards his boyfriend.

"Morning," San greeted, but Wooyoung hadn't heard him. He spoke to one of his friends after San greeted. Another person tapped Wooyoung's shoulder and pointed at San. Wooyoung turned to San, a big smile forming on his lips.

"Ah, morning, sweetie," he smiled, putting a soft kiss on San's temple. "Sorry for that, we're talking about the math assessment this Friday."

San smiled weakly. He didn't have to become grumpy again. "Oh, it's fine. Uhm… I'll be by my locker if you need me. I have some writing to do. You can, uh, stay here and discuss your… math assessment."

"Oh, no, I'll come with you," Wooyoung said, picking up his backpack. "We're done with it anyways. What writing is this that you have to do?"

San sighed. "It's nothing, don't worry. You can stay, you don't need to come with. I'll be busy with Seonghwa anyways."

Wooyoung stopped. "Seonghwa? Why?"

"Well, we have the same calculus class, so we're going to do the revision activity together before class," San replied. "Stay where you can be productive, okay? I'll be by my locker if you need me, though."

Wooyoung hummed softly. "Okay. Kiss?"

San smiled, putting a gentle, but quick kiss on Wooyoung's lips. "I'll see you during lunch. I love you."

"Love you more," Wooyoung smiled. San blushed a bit and walked away. Wooyoung's smile fell immediately. Why was San distancing himself like that? He knew more than anyone that Wooyoung would much rather stand by San's side and do nothing, rather than be around people he didn't want to be with.

San had work, that's why. Easy as that. Sometimes an education needs to come before your boyfriend. In fact, that's how it should always be. Wooyoung had to accept that. San was a hard-working student, and would definitely choose finishing an assignment over being with Wooyoung.

It was difficult to accept, especially when all you know is that you love this person.

"Wooyoung, we're heading to class now," Hanbyul said, poking his shoulder.

"Oh, go on ahead — I'll be up in a minute," Wooyoung smiled, looking at her for a moment. She nodded and followed the rest up to their class — not before giving Wooyoung a rather worried look.

Wooyoung, however, was thinking how he could combine San's studying and being with San beneficially. He hummed a bit before something clicked in his mind. With a brighter smile, Wooyoung jogged up the stairs, his heart lighter as this idea stayed on his mind.

He was excited.

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