[ nine ]

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Wooyoung looked up in wonder immediately. The sky was much more visible now. There was faint commotion from the city, but they hardly cared because all they could see was the beautiful sky. All its wonders were available to them, and San was just as amazed as Wooyoung.


Well, maybe a bit less.

Wooyoung looked up at the sky with child-like wonder, making San realize all over again why he liked Jung Wooyoung. Because of his smile. Seeing Wooyoung happy made him happy, and filled his feeble heart with such a familiar joy due to feeling it each time he saw Wooyoung smile.

It made San fall in love.

Wooyoung grabbed San's hand suddenly.

Joining their fast-paced hearts for a few milliseconds.

Both hearts beating quickly for two different reasons.

But almost immediately, beating quickly for the same reason.

San looked at their hand and slowly let go. "O-oh, that was probably a m-mistake…—"

Wooyoung grabbed his hand and tugged him forward. "Come here with me, Choi San."

Soon, they stood outside the tent, face-to-face. Almost quite literally. Wooyoung smiled as San stood less than a ruler away from him. The pale blonde-haired male stared up into Wooyoung's eyes, worry filling his own orbs quickly.


"San, do you like me?"

San panicked immediately.

He never expected Wooyoung to ask him this personally!

San gulped nervously, not knowing how to respond. Wooyoung's smile widened, and it didn't help San because his insides were melting with each passing second. Wooyoung tightened his grip on San's hand.

"Because I like you."

San finally opened his mouth. "Why?"

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

Quick, explain yourself to him!

San looked away shyly. "Why do you like me?"

Wooyoung grinned broadly. "Because you didn't chase after me desperately like anyone else. You didn't stare at me longingly because I was popular — you did it because you liked me. No one likes me for my personality. Well, they do, but in the wrong sense. I gave you… feelings, not a bandwagon to jump on. You're unique — different from the rest. We've almost never spoken, but you were different from the beginning. That's why I like you. If we get to know each other, you can give me a reason to love you."

San's eyes were wide. "O-oh." Say more, you giant idiot! "I-I like you too. More than you think. Like, way more than you think. Just wishing that I could be by your side made me bitter because everyone was happy in their relstionships, and I was a glorious single Pringle. But… here we are…"

Wooyoung smiled. "Huh. Cliché, isn't it? A pretty little confession under the stars."

San smiled. "It's perfect."

Wooyoung tilted his head, clearly expecting something of San. With their close proximity, what was about to happen was inevitable. San looked away for a moment in panic. What if he was joking? What if all of this was actually some kind of sick plan? What if—

And those thoughts stopped immediately.

Because Wooyoung leaned forward.

And placed a tender kiss on San's lips.

Underneath the twinkling stars and glowing night sky.

San was no longer grumpy.

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