[ twenty four ]

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San was having the worst day ever.

In his opinion, at least.

He had unknowingly turned into the green-eyed monster when Wooyoung told him that he was partners with Yeo Hwanwoong for the physics assessment. San had been paired with Lee Harin, but he wasn't even in the same class as Wooyoung, so it didn't matter in the end.

Yeo Hwanwoong was gorgeous. He was pretty, good at everything he did, albeit a little on the short side, but nonetheless, he was perfect. He was a beautiful rose that had its thorns clipped off, making it even more beautiful. To think that Wooyoung would be with him made San want to throw a tantrum.

Harin wasn't too bad. He proved to be on the quiet side, and he was a gentle giant and was rather nice. He was willing to help anyone with what they needed. He had a nice smile, and he had gotten a haircut recently, so he looked extra handsome - or at least more than usual. San didn't mind Harin - they spoke sometimes because they were in the same class.

But Yeo Hwanwoong.


He would definitely try to get at Wooyoung, and it was that thought that drove San to insanity. He knew Wooyoung would never do anything with Hwanwoong except physics - it was Hwanwoong that worried him.

The permanent pout on San's lips after the partners were announced proved his foul mood. Wooyoung found it adorable, but he knew that it was San's 'I've found something to be petty about' face. He sighed, nearing his adorably pouting boyfriend and put his arms around his waist.

"Ah, why are you upset now?" Wooyoung asked teasingly, when he knew the reason why. San made a little 'hmph' sound and crossed his arms. Wooyoung snickered, finding San's little mood too adorable. "Ah, you're so cute! Look, we should ask for a partner swap - how about that?"

"We can't - we're not in the same class," San mumbled. "I just know with Hwanwoong, you'll get full points. I'm terrible at projects. Harin is going to suffer with me."

"He won't suffer," Wooyoung rolled his eyes. He turned San around and held his upper arms firmly. "Look, baby - you're great, okay? You're amazing." Wooyoung placed a soft kiss on San's nose and grinned widely. "You'll do great on your project. Never mind Hwanwoong, okay? If he does try anything, I'll tell him that I'm dating the most amazing person on this earth. I'm dating the boy whose eyes rival the stars in the sky. I'm yours, and you're mine, okay?"

San smiled. "You're mine, and I'm yours."

Wooyoung held San's hands, intertwining their fingers. "Unfortunately, however, our time together will be cut short slightly because of the project. But we can spend time together at my parent's house - they love having you over anyways."

"We can do that tonight," San suggested excitedly, his gloomy gaze finally becoming brighter. "I'm only going to be at Harin's place for an hour, then I'll be over at your place."

"Ah, Hwanwoong will be over for an hour and a half, so don't get too jealous," Wooyoung winked. He gently kissed San's lips and ruffled his hair wildly. "I'll make it up to you tonight, okay? Just me... and you..."

"And the Blu-ray disc of Coraline," San whispered with a giggle.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes and laughed. "Sure, why not? Make sure to bring it."

San kissed his cheek and let go of Wooyoung's hands. "See you later, Youngie!" He waved wildly as he walked to his last class of the day.

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