[ sixteen ]

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"Sangie-ya! Truth or Dare?"

Yeosang giggled a bit, indicating that he was definitely more than a bit tipsy. "Truth."

Mingi looked up for a moment before pointing a finger in realization. "Oh! I have a good one. Reveal an embarrassing secret about yourself."

Yeosang hummed. "I peed sitting down until I was 11 years old because my brother scared me at 2am when I was peeing once."

Mingi burst out laughing immediately, along with everyone else. San became rather blank when he was drunk, so he only smiled. Wooyoung, however, was already on the floor, random pieces of grass and long fallen autumn leaves getting in his hair as he laughed hysterically.

"I'm so sorry for laughing," Jongho laughed, wiping his eyes due to laughing. Yeosang just giggled cluelessly.

"San hyung — Truth or Dare?" he asked, looking at the other male. San looked at him for a bit before taking a swig from the bottle in his hands.

"Dare," he replied, burping afterwards.

"That's enough for you," Wooyoung slurred, taking the bottle from San's grip. San whined, tugging at the vodka bottle until he had it in his hands completely once more. Wooyoung rolled his eyes and grabbed it forcefully, taking a swig of it himself.

"I dare you," Yeosang began, "to go make out with Wooyoung over there for 10 minutes and not get a boner."

"That's impossible," San complained, flailing his arms in protest. "3 minutes."

"5. Take it or leave it."

"Fine, 5 minutes," San mumbled. He took Wooyoung's hand in his own, pulling the boy up so that they walked a few metres away from the rest. Wooyoung frowned when they stopped walking and stood beside the wall. "I'm not allowed to get turned on, okay?"

Wooyoung sighed. "Why so difficult?"

San put his arms on Wooyoung's shoulder. "I don't know." He leaned closer, pinning their lips together in a soft, gentle kiss to begin with. It started gentle, and San wanted to keep it that way, but the alcohol in their systems didn't allow that. Wooyoung gripped San's waist with his hands, bringing them closer together.

San gasped when Wooyoung bit his lip, asking for access gently. San allowed him entrance and Wooyoung tilted his head to gain more comfortable access. San realized that they had to do that — after all, they had to make out, not casually kiss.

No one said he wasn't allowed to enjoy it.

San could barely contain himself as Wooyoung's hands drifted under his hoodie, gently rubbing at San's honey skin with his thumb. San sighed in content, pulling away for a second to breathe. He was going to fail his dare miserably at that rate. Wooyoung was just so good.

Wooyoung pulled away for second, his breath heavy and ragged. "God, I want you so bad…"

San nodded in agreement before joining their lips in a soft kiss again. He had to wait before he could touch San further. He knew that much — he didn't want San to be punished, especially with Jongo around.

"Time!" Yunho exclaimed. San turned to them and Yeosang cheered and clapped.

"No boner! Well done, San," Mingi grinned. He stopped smiling when Wooyoung took San's body, hoisted it onto his waist and pinned him against the wall before connecting their lips messily. "Ew, why didn't they warn us?"

San and Wooyoung barely heard them — they only cared about each other and the amazing feelings they got from touching one another. Wooyoung didn't want to get too excited however, in fear of hurting his sweet angel.

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