[ two ]

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San, once again, stared at Wooyoung from afar. He was on the upper floor of the school building — watching a confession happen. It was the short-skirted girl from the day before. The girl looked so scared and shy. San wondered if she would cry like the other girls.

But San was met with the greatest disappointment ever.

He accepted her confession.

She looked really happy. Wooyoung did as well. San's heart shattered to pieces and he turned away from the wall. With a heavy sigh, he slid down the wall and brought his knees to his face, hugging his legs tightly. It would've happened eventually. Others were braver than San, and more determined for a relationship with Jung Wooyoung.

Of course he'd fall behind at some point. Everyone wanted Wooyoung to be theirs, whether in a friendship or a relationship. Everyone wanted that bit of perfection beside them. San was one of those people, and he pitied himself for falling in line with everyone else.

And he sobbed.

Because he had lost his love.

San almost refused to look wherever Wooyoung was, in fear that it would break his heart further. Seeing Wooyoung smile happily with someone that wasn't him made him sad. Seeing Wooyoung with that same group of people every day made his stomach turn in discomfort.

He wanted Jung Wooyoung.

Why couldn't he have Jung Wooyoung?

He barely paid attention to anything else, now that he had such a pretty girlfriend. And San agreed — they truly looked great as a couple together. He was envious of their love. He was envious of her, because she had the courage to tell Wooyoung how she felt.

He could never do that.


Because he was a coward.

San was nothing compared to Wooyoung's girlfriend. They looked happy together. And San knew he could never give Wooyoung the happiness he currently had, never mind give him more. It didn't even matter that he was putting himself down — because he knew it was true.

"Ah, Sannie." Yunho put a comforting hand on his back and rubbed him affectionately. "You'll gwt over him, right? You'll get a better love interest than him."

San shook his head. "Anyone better that Wooyoung is further out of reach than Wooyoung is currently. He's the best I could have. But I lost that opportunity."

"Well, don't lower your standards," Yeosang smiled widely. "They'll probably break up after 2 days. You know how relationships between those kind of people are."

"It makes me think about how my relationship with him would have been," San sighed, diverting his eyes from the happy couple. He hated it with his whole being.

"Yeah, he's most likely not even worth it," Mingi rolled his eyes. "Plus, I know him. He just got into a relationship because he wanted a few annoying girls off his back."

"But why Jiyeong? She's so pretty. And cute. And she has a heart of gold," San sighed. "I'm just… boring old me. I doubt I could even make him happy one day."

"How dare the sunshine of our group think he can't make someone happy?" Yeosang reprimanded, crossing his arms. "You are capable of making Wooyoung and many more people happy. Look at me — I'm always happy when I'm with you. Don't ever put yourself down again, okay? Not for Jung Wooyoung."

San smiled. "Why are you people my friends?"

"Because we love you," Yunho grinned brightly, immediately filling San with reassurance. Maybe Wooyoung wasn't worth it, after all.

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