[ fourteen ]

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It had almost been a week since San and Wooyoung started dating, and almost everyone that knew or cared about Wooyoung knew. The bookstore was closed, and Wooyoung wanted San to meet his parents.

Was he mad?

That was what San thought initially. Now that he stood in front of Wooyoung's parents' house, he had a few deeper thoughts.

One being: he is mad.

Another being: my boyfriend is definitely mad.

The last being: he really wants me to die.

"Wooyoung, I can't do this," San said, shaking his head violently. "Wooyoung, what if they hate me? What if I disappoint them? What if they just don't like me? Aren't they homophobic or something?"

"Heck no," Wooyoung scoffed. "My dad is actually pansexual. I think. My parents are still young — Mom is only 47, and Dad is 46."

"Oh, I thought they'd be oldies like my parents," San said with a small smile.

"There's nothing to be worried about, okay? They'll love you — I told them about you before, and Mom is excited to meet you. Just be polite to my Dad. Take his hand when you bow — he likes that. And when Mom starts inspecting you like you're a restaurant, just let her do it."

San nodded shakily and Wooyoung pressed the doorbell before opening the door. He called out for his mother, but the house was slightly silent — San could hear the rice cooker. He looked around in confusion.


Mrs Jung was suddenly in front if them, a huge smile on her face. She pulled Wooyoung into a tight hug, and San's boyfriend laughed loudly before hugging her back even tighter. San found it endearing, but he flinched when she suddenly gasped loudly, her arms wide as she looked at San.

"Oh my, look at your boyfriend!! Ah, he's so handsome!" San was suddenly enveloped in a tight hug by the woman and she squeezed tightly. San gasped for breath, and he was thankfully saved when a tall man walked out the kitchen.

"Ah, Wooyoung, my boy!" the man exclaimed. He gave Wooyoung a hard slap on the back before putting his arm on Wooyoung's shoulder and rubbing his knuckles on the boy's head. Wooyoung exclaimed in pain, but he was smiling widely.

"You must be Choi San," Mrs Jung smiled widely. "Ah, we were so excited to meet you."

Wooyoung suddenly sniffed the air and gasped. "Did Dad bake biscuits again?"

"The first batch burned," Mr Jung chuckled. "The second was more successful. Ah. Young man. Welcome to the Jung household."

Mr Jung was extremely tall — possibly as tall as that one guy, from Knowing Brothers. San gulped nervously — he should've been more nervous, but the man had the brightest smile on his face. San wanted to smile as well, but he was terrified.

"Lighten up," Wooyoung grinned. "We're all mad here."

So San was right, in a sense. Wooyoung was mad.

"Like your Dad said, he baked biscuits," Mrs Jung smiled brightly. "Come, come, San. Come try them out."

"Pretend they're nice — Dad really tries," Wooyoung whispered, taking San's hand and taking him to the kitchen.

"Tell us about yourself, San," Mr Jung said, shoving the tray of biscuits forward. San smiled, taking one of the biscuits with a smile.

His parents were really nice.

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