[ eight ]

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San stared out at the ocean, Wooyoung sitting beside him with an ice cream in his hand. They had gotten fairly wet from all the splashing, and they had a lot of fun together. San wouldn't have thought that Wooyoung would speak to him.

"Let's spend the night here," Wooyoung suggested spontaneously, turning to the slightly younger male with an excited look in his eyes. He laughed a bit when the pale blonde haired male gave him a confused stare. "Let's camp on the beach. It's not like anything will happen to us."

San looked at the ocean thoughtfully. An entire night with Wooyoung. It sounded too good to be true. And judging by the astronomy books Wooyoung had bought the previous week, he wanted to stargaze.

Did he know that the stars weren't quite visible in the city?

"I planned this," Wooyoung grinned, as if he had read San's mind. "At 9pm tonight, lights in the city are going off for an hour because of repairs on a transformer station in the inner city. Then… I can finally see the stars."

"Do you enjoy astronomy?" San asked, eating of his ice cream.

"Oh, I do," Wooyoung smiled fondly. "I've always enjoyed the stars and beyond. I used to stargaze with my younger sister… but… sh-she became one with the stars." San widened his eyes as he heard pain join Wooyoung's joyful tone. "She told me to continue looking at the sky, because it would always be there. The stars will always be there."

San smiled softly. "She must've been a good kid."

"Ah, Wonyoung was the best sister I could ask for," Wooyoung smiled, looking up at the sky. "She's fine. I know she is. Living a good life with the stars."

San looked at the waterproof watch on his wrist and raised an eyebrow. "It's almost 7pm. Should we start setting up?"

Wooyoung grinned and nodded before demonically chomping into his ice cream. San watched in horror. Just by witnessing that, his teeth had begun to hurt. Wooyoung was much weirder than San thought.

"Ah, finally!" Wooyoung held his arms out. "The tent is complete! Well done, San-ssi." He held his hand out and San high-fived him. "I brought my snacks with, so we'll be good until tomorrow. The soda is pretty cool because it was in a cooler box in my car trunk with ice."

"Can I have one?" San asked, climbing into the tent. The evening was pretty warm, but not as hot as the day was. The night probably brought a nice 20°C, the perfect summer night. The only thing that hurt San physically was that there was no wind to cool the night down. Wooyoung handed him a soda can and gave him a flashlight in the other hand.

"It's almost 9pm," Wooyoung smiled. He took out two thin blankets from another bag and gave one to San. "I can't wait for lights to turn off. Then I can see Orion's Belt, Pisces, Scorpio — all the constellations! And the Big Dipper! And the Centauri range! Ah, I'm so excited. San, do you like stars?"

San had to be honest. "I do, but not as much as you do."

Wooyoung laughed a bit. "No one likes stars like I do. Not even the most motivated astronomer."

San clicked open his soda, and the city lights switched off.

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