[ eleven ]

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San felt like a giant idiot.

Why, you ask?

Because he and Wooyoung were officially dating, but he had forgotten to ask for Wooyoung's number.

So for the rest of the weekend, he worked boredly. He had also forgotten to charge his phone fully, so it was on the verge of dying, but he was too shy to ask his boss for a charger. He sighed, looking over at his 13% phone with a slightly sad expression.

He finished work early, so he said good-bye to his boss and left. He managed to buy a book for himself — a small book, only costing about ₩9,000 in the end. The Snow Goose, was what it was called, by a rather unknown author by the name of Go Hong Sook. The book had been published in 1967 first, so it was quite old.

As San walked home under the pleasant summer sun, he walked past a basketball court. It was hidden quite well from the main road. San could barely see its location from the side path he was walking on. It was hidden by a large amount of trees, bushes and shrubs.

He could hear a ball bouncing, so he looked around. His eyes saw the ball bounce off the rim of the net before rolling off to the end of the court. The singular person playing ran after the ball, and San almost couldn't recognize him in his plain white hoodie, an outfit so different from his usual attire.

It was Wooyoung, playing basketball all by himself.

San smiled to himself, leaning against the rock barrier with a smile on his face. Wow. He couldn't believe that, even after seeing Wooyoung's true weird self, he didn't fail to look as beautiful as the first time San saw him.

Wooyoung walked to the side of the court, taking a seat beside his water bottle and backpack. He was probably taking a rest, because his chest was heaving. San quietly stepped down the steps, sitting a few metres diagonally from Wooyoung's position on the wall on the amphitheater-type seats.

He still felt so shy in his presence.

He remembered what Wooyoung had said, and a smile spread on his lips instantly.

'I am yours, and you are mine.'

That was the only thing that would ever make San happy.

Wooyoung probably sensed that someone else was with him and turned around sharply. His fierce stare turned into a look of soft, content happiness. "San."

San smiled even wider. "You're a good player."

Wooyoung laughed, jumping off the wall and walking over to San. "Not really. I'm still rusty, so I'm practicing."

"You're good for a rusty player," San continued. Wooyoung begrudgingly accepted the compliment with a smile. He made it to San and sat beside him. "Why are you alone?"

"Why are you alone?" Wooyoung reflected the question quickly.

"Just got off work. Why are you alone?" San smirked, feeling smart for once. Wooyoung sighed, looking at the ground.

"Didn't want to be around people today," he replied softly. "I wanted to spend all my time with you, but… I forgot to give my number to you. I wanted to ask for your number from Mingi, but I wasn't sure if you wanted anyone to know about us yet."

San shrugged. "If you want to tell people, then okay."

Wooyoung smiled, looking at the basketball court in silence. San gulped nervously before putting his head on Wooyoung's shoulder. They stayed like that, just enjoying each other's presence, and feeling that beautiful aura of each other's love.

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