[ ten ]

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"Yeah — that's Aries over there."


"No, a bit to the right."

"Oh, the stars that go like that-that-that-that?"


San hummed, looking up at the bright night sky. He never thought that there were that many stars being hidden by the city's dreadful light. It was beautiful, especially to be looking at the stars with Wooyoung.

"When did you get an interest in the stars?" San asked, turning to Wooyoung.

"A few years back with Wonyoung," he replied, eating a potato chip. "Dad had a telescope, and we'd sneak into the attic to look at the sky at midnight. Mom would hit us when she found put, but eventually let us go up. Then Dad found out, and he'd go out with us at night when I was 14 to go stargazing, but only during school vacations."

San smiled, looking up at the starry night. "That sounds nice."

Wooyoung smiled a bit and put his head on San's shoulder. "Yeah. It was nice. Now Dad and I stargaze alone."

San looked over at Wooyoung for a moment and smiled. They had kissed. It was a beautiful kiss, finally freed from their anxious minds. They held each other while they kissed, as if they had desired it since the beginning of time. The love they held for one another in that moment was tender and prominent.

And here they were, sitting beside one another, that bursting love shying into a soft, mellow love. It still held all the love they had locked away from each other for so long, so it didn't really matter to San. As long as he could finally say that Jung Wooyoung was his, and he was Jung Wooyoung's.

"Why have you never spoken to me?" Wooyoung asked, looking at the slightly taller male. "You're so loud with your friends, but you just became so… shy around me. It was cute, really, but why?"

"Because I was afraid of messing up," San replied. "I'm dumb with my words. I was afraid that my words would somehow fumble and I would mess up and seem like a fool."

Wooyoung laughed and put a hand on the back of San's neck, stroking his skin gently with his thumb. "It's okay, Sannie. You're doing just fine with your words — you haven't messed up yet."

"Yet," San repeated with a breathy laugh. "It'll happen soon, I bet. I'm not good with words."

"You've been great so far," Wooyoung smiled, staring into San's pretty brown eyes. Wooyoung's pupils dilated, even if it was almost impossible to see in the dim light. San held his breath as Wooyoung leaned closer, closer and closer.

"Wait," San muttered, putting a hand on Wooyoung's chest. "How long? How long have you liked me?"

Wooyoung smiled gently. "Since the first day I saw you."

"Then why did you date Jiyeong?"

He knew why — he just wanted it confirmed.

"Because everyone knows my face, but not my heart," Wooyoung replied. "So I pretended that someone knew my heart so that they wouldn't see my face so much. It worked for a bit, but then Jiyeong's loud friends kept hanging around, so I let her go."

San smiled. "My friends are worse."

"Oh, I know. You have Mingi there," Wooyoung chuckled. "But I only need you. I'm yours. You're mine."

After finally getting closure, San allowed Wooyoung to close the gap between them and join their lips in a tender, loving kiss.

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