[ twenty three ]

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Their study date had turned into a 'cuddling for reassurance' date, and they'd honestly want it no other way. San was still sobbing slightly, but Wooyoung hugged him close to reassure him, as the name of their date implied. They were curled up the grip of the other, the warmth radiating from them creating a perfect bubble of comfort around them.

San loved this. He loved just being with Wooyoung, and just being comfortable. They completed each other in an unimaginable way, and they were fine with that. Losing the other would most likely cause more than a casual heartbreak — they needed each other. San had no idea what he would do without Wooyoung, and Wooyoung had no idea what he would do without San.

"I'm yours, and you're mine."

San had said it softly this time, for the first time. Wooyoung buried his head in San's fluffy hair, inhaling his scent ever so gently. He breathed lightly — strawberry and vanilla. And San's regular scent smelled like the gentle scent of a latte on a crisp autumn morning. Ah, he had a desirable scent — Wooyoung wasn't driven away, and he found himself enjoying San's coffee smell.

San himself was buried in Wooyoung's chest, and he had no choice but to inhale Wooyoung's scent. Wooyoung smelled like a man. He had everything going right for him — he had a strong scent that actually left San quite enticed. He wasn't quite in the mood, but San knew that Wooyoung's scent would really get him going in the future.

San's glittering eyes stopped being so painfully beautiful as they were filled with tears. They returned to their big brown selves, and he rather enjoyed Wooyoung's presence. Wooyoung would've literally fallen asleep if San hadn't moved.

"Woo, I should probably get home — Hongjoong and I have to revise our language for the test on Monday," San said, but Wooyoung barely heard his words.

"Monday is, like, next week. It can wait," Wooyoung muttered.

San slowly frowned. "Obviously it's next week. Come on, I need to go."

"Tell him you're coming tomorrow," Wooyoung muttered, tightening his grip on San's pretty waist. "I just need you here right now, sunshine. Just… stay here, please. Stay here."

And he did. Wooyoung was just so desperate to have him there, he almost had no choice but to agree. Or he could see that San kept telling white lies so that he and Wooyoung didn't end up spending too much time together. He still thought that Wooyoung should uphold his social status. Yes, he accepted that Wooyoung would much rather be with him than anyone else, but he should make time for friends too.

"You know," Wooyoung mumbled as San layed down next to him again, "you are the prettiest boy I have ever seen. I couldn't believe that such an amazing personality was hidden under such a pretty face. It's a benefit, really. Being so beautiful, inside and out."

San blushed lightly and looked at Wooyoung's plain black T-shirt. "Says you."


San lifted his body from the bed and sat up straight, crossing his legs with a little smile. "It was the opposite for you. Not gonna lie, the reason I fell for you was because of your pretty face. Your personality was a benefit."

Wooyoung sat up as well, staring into San's eyes. He focused on the little speckles of light in them, bringing his eyes to life. The particular shade of brown always enticed Wooyoung — he quite liked his eyes. He smiled softly, laughing a bit. "I love you so much."

That's all it took.

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