[ twenty seven ]

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There he was.

Wooyoung smiled widely as he neared his boyfriend, who innocently just stood by his locker on his phone. San smiled as he closed his locker, leaning against it as he bit his lip. Wooyoung frowned and finally caught up to his boyfriend.

"What's got you smiling like that?" He gave San a bit of a scare and the other laughed a bit.

"Mingi sent a meme," San answered with a smile. Wooyoung believed him. "You're earlier than usual, aren't you? Why?"

Wooyoung hummed. "Decided to come earlier for you. Noticed you were earlier than me at some times — figured I'd come here for you."

San cooed softly before kissing Wooyoung's cheek. "So cute."

Wooyoung whined a bit, leaning closer to San. "Give me more…"

San laughed and put his hand in front of his lips to stop his attempt. "Ah, not now. I'm going to study maths now, and I don't want you to distract me."

"Boyfriend study time?" Wooyoung suggested with a sing-song tone. San giggled.

"Sure, why not?" he smiled. "Let's go to the lunch hall, and we'll study there."

As Wooyoung was about to nod, another voice called out. "Wooyoung! Come on, you said we were going to Yoonha and Eunji!"

San looked at the male standing at the bottom of the staircase, leaning against the wall lazily. Wooyoung looked at San apologetically. San sighed and nodded.

"No, it's okay," he smiled softly. "You have a social life. I won't stop you."

Wooyoung frowned. "San—"

"Woo, we spend so much time together anyways," San rolled his eyes playfully. "Go ahead. I'll meet you at lunch, okay?" He leaned forward, putting a gentle kiss on Wooyoung's plush pink lips and smiling widely. "It's okay, there's no insecurity here. I take so much of your time, it's about time you give some to them. I love you, okay?"

Wooyoung put his hand on San's cheek. "I love you more."

San raised an eyebrow. "You really think so? You really, honestly think so?"

Wooyoung smirked a bit. "I know exactly how to prove it."

San rolled his eyes. "Go on, Hansol is waiting for you."

Wooyoung kissed his kips one last time before rushing off to his friend. "I'm yours!"

"You're mine!" San replied quickly, a giggle escaping his lips. Because of his insecurity being dealt with, he knew Wooyoung still loved him ever so dearly as he spent time with his friends. They were okay, and he had no reason to fear anything.

Because they loved each other.

So, so much.

"Okay, what's this flavour?"

Wooyoung chewed the gummy worm slowly, a thinking expression forming on his face. He widened his eyes in realization. "Mango."

San clapped his hands excitedly and nodded. "You're right! Wow, you got every flavour right."

Wooyoung tugged him forward by his arm with a smirk. "Come taste here."

San shook his head and laughed. "No, you eat your gummy worms."

Wooyoung shifted closer to him, their faces a mere few inches apart. "Just one kiss. Come on, it's just the two of us. Who's gonna judge us?"

San sighed and smiled softly. "One."

Wooyoung grabbed the opportunity and placed their lips together in a soft kiss. San tried to keep it soft, but Wooyoung had other ideas. He tugged San forward by his jacket, making the kiss a bit more deeper. San exhaled a little moan and pulled away for a second, but Wooyoung was having none of that.

"You're so gorgeous…"

San pulled away and Wooyoung nipped at his bottom lip in protest. "Ah, Woo…—"

He was pulled closer and San gasped slightly. Wooyoung put a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away. He licked his lips, staring into San's eyes. "What did it taste like?"

San smiled. "Strawberries."

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