[ thirteen ]

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Wooyoung wanted to spend lunch with San, but the latter male wanted to be with his own friends simultaneously. That was when Wooyoung suggested that they sit with San's group of friends for the day. San was clearly nervous about letting his friends know that he was finally dating the boy of his dreams.

As they walked to the bench, Wooyoung explained to his group of friends that he wanted to be with San for a bit — even embarrassingly saying that San felt insecure about their relationship, and they kind of cooed at how cute San was about the relationship. They didn't mind at all.

San walked to the bench, noticing that Yeosang's boyfriend had joined them. They were discussing something and Mingi seemed to laughing a lot about whatever they were talking about. Yunho watched Mingi laugh with adoration in his eyes.

San wondered if he looked at Wooyoung like that.

"Hey, guys," San greeted. Wooyoung repeated the greeting and everyone widened their eyes and mouth when they saw the Jung Wooyoung standing next to their timid Choi San. "Mingi, close your mouth before you accidentally eat a fly."

Mingi did close his mouth at that. Yeosang suddenly raised his arms above his head, his face blank. "Explain."

Wooyoung laughed a bit. "I'm his, and he's mine."

San blushed as Wooyoung said that. He seriously had to remind himself as much as possible. San himself couldn't believe that he was dating Jung Wooyoung, but he too was reminded every time Wooyoung said that sentence.

'I am yours, and you are mine.'

Ah, it made him warm inside.

"Well done, you're not single anymore," Yunho teased, earning a laugh from everyone. San finally sat down, Wooyoung sitting beside him. 3 sat on either side — Yeosang and Jongho had apparently split because Yeosang was feeding him.

"What were you discussing earlier? Mingi really seemed to be having it," San said, opening the sandwich he had bought. He held up a slice to Wooyoung and the boy bit into the chicken goodness.

"Remember when Hongjoong hyung did that rap performance last year?" Jongho asked, earning a nod from San. "Well, Yunho hyung said that he kind of sounded like Yeeun from CLC, and Mingi hyung couldn't stop laughing."

Mingi tried his best to hold back his laughs. "The more I thought about it, the more sense it made!"

San laughed a bit. "He kinda does sound like her male version."

Wooyoung suddenly snorted and burst into high-pitched laughter. "I just thought about it!" He hit the table top and Mingi laughed along with him. "But if you think about it, he sounds like HyunA too!"

"Heol, he does!" Mingi laughed even louder. Yeosang shook his head, feeding Jongho more of his yoghurt.

"And Mingi sounded Zuho from SF9 during his performance," Yeosang said.

Mingi stopped laughing, looking at Yeosang with a frown. "I did?"

San gasped, covering his mouth. "You did. Oh my God, you did!"

"How did I sound like Zuho?!"

"I don't know, you just did!"

Wooyoung swallowed his second bite of the sandwich. "And Jongho sounds like Yoo Jae Suk when he sings."

He stood up from the table quickly and ran away laughing when Jongho jumped up as if he wanted to hit Wooyoung. The others laughed at the antic, and Jongho smiled as well. Wooyoung returned to the table, flinching when Jongho pretended to punch him.

"I'm kidding! You sounded like Heun Jeok!"

San liked this more.

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