[ twelve ]

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San spotted Wooyoung with his friends, the big joyous smile on his face that indicated that he had just finished laughing. San bit his lips together gently and tried to walk past Wooyoung quietly so that he wasn't disturbed, but Wooyoung didn't like that.

"Ah, San, are you ignoring me?"

San wished that Wooyoung would close his big mouth sometimes.

San kept his head down, not even turning around to look at Wooyoung. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and pulled him closer until he felt his bag being pressed against a rather toned chest.

"No, Wooyoung," San mumbled in a panicked manner. "Y-your friends will s-say stuff about me. Not now—"

Wooyoung seemed to scoff and hugged San even tighter. "Listen here, you giant idiot. I love you — why should I let my friends' opinion affect that?"

"Because you're popular, and I'm the bottom of the barrel," San muttered fiercely. "Please, let me go. Not at school. I can affect your name—"

Wooyoung let go of San's waist and turned him around. Once San saw how angry Wooyoung looked, he regretted all his words. He gulped, knowing he was about to get a mouthful from the slightly younger male.

"What kind of person would think that?! San, I love you — does that mean nothing to you? Does the fact that I have feelings for you not overrule the fact that I have a big name? I'm yours and you're mine — doesn't that mean anything? I want to show everyone that I'm dating one of the prettiest boys ever. I want to show you off and flaunt you because you're mine. My friends don't matter right now — you're the only one I need, okay?"

Wooyoung's voice had become smaller as he ended off. San had tears in his eyes, but he held him back because he didn't want to seem like a crybaby. But it was too late, because big tears fell down his cheeks. He tried to stop them and wiped away the first lot, but Wooyoung grabbed San's face gently with his hands, squishing his cheeks slightly.

"I love you, San," was all he to say to reassure San one last time. San nodded, wiping his eyes one last time.

"I l-love you too," San mumbled. Wooyoung finally smiled, leaning forward and putting a gentle kiss on San's red nose. "How can you lecture me in the middle of the hallway, silly?"

Wooyoung reached into his pocket and took out a tissue. San took it and blew his nose. He turned away shyly when he did so because he didn't want Wooyoung to see his face when he blew his nose.

"Because you need to know that I love you," Wooyoung smiled gently. "So can I give you your first kiss of the day?"

San smiled and nodded while wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater. Wooyoung put his hand on the back of San's neck and pulled him forward into a soft kiss. It was light and feathery, sweet and tender. It wasn't intense — although San wished to change that in the future — and it clearly displayed the love they held for one another.

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