[ seven ]

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So there they were, in Wooyoung's Land Rover on their way to the beach. San had packed extra clothes into his bag, since they planned on spending the rest of the day together at this beach. It was quite far from the parking space, so no one really went to the part of the beach they were going.

San remained silent as a song called 'SUMMER!' by a popular boy group was playing on the radio. Wooyoung seemed happy as he sang along to the song. San was still so nervous to be close to Wooyoung. What was weird was that Wooyoung had approached him first. It was overwhelming, and San thought his nervousness was completely valid.

San noticed the tent in the back of the car.

He also noticed that the day had brought a blistering heat with no wind.

"Here we are!" Wooyoung grinned, turning off the Rover and turning the windows up. He flicked San's arm and grinned wider. "Lighten up! Come on, this part is the best."

San bit his lips nervously and nodded before following Wooyoung by getting out the vehicle. He instantly regretted it because the sun shone one single 'fuck you' ray into his eyes. He groaned, attempting to climb back into the vehicle but Wooyoung laughed and grabbed his wrist with one hand.

"Nope, let's go," he grinned. "There's shade by my special spot."

They walked for 10, maybe 12 minutes on a path by the side of the beach. At least it was in the shade, but it still felt like 35°C in the shade. San was greatly exaggerating this in his mind (by about 7°C) but it was still bloody hot. San wondered how, even in this deathly weather, Wooyoung could still smile brightly.

"San, hurry up! We're almost there!"

"I'm trying, but I think the sand is melting my flip-flops!"

Wooyoung released a loud laugh. "How even?!"

San smiled proudly to himself. He had been able to make Jung Wooyoung laugh at something he said. He was achieving a lot in this one day. Just being with Jung Wooyoung made him proud to be himself.

"And we're here!"

San looked ahead of him and widened his eyes. Ahead was a giant rock with a hole in it, most likely caused by the waves. The beach was empty, since the giant rock blocked the general view to this part of the beach.

"… it's like a dream."

Wooyoung grinned broadly. "I knew you'd like it."

San stepped into the sunnier part of the shore, finally abandoning his comfort in the shade. He put his bag down beside Wooyoung's against the rocky wall, running over to the other male, who was already on his way to the water in excitement.

"Wooyoung, wait up!"

Wooyoung laughed loudly and splashed San with water. The blonde male laughed, splashing Wooyoung as well. The waves were gentle and didn't bother their fun. The sun beating down on them was cooled by their splashing, finally receiving relief from the blistering heat.

"Wooyoung uses splash!" As Wooyoung yelled this, he raised his hands quickly out of the water, completely soaking San with water. The other laughed loudly.

Okay, at least he knew Wooyoung liked Pokémon.

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