🔞 (ch. 23)

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The feeling of Wooyoung's lips to his own made San go wild with the soft sensation going through his body. Wooyoung's gentle grip to his waist made him shiver in anticipation, each little gasp escaping his lips being one of pleasure.


Wooyoung, shaken by his own anxiety, pulled from the kiss with some hesitance. "Are you okay? Should we slow down?"

San shook his head, grabbing Wooyoung's wrist frantically. "No. Continue. I'm just… o-overwhelmed. Didn't expect this of you."

"You're okay with this, angel?" Wooyoung asked, his voice soft as he put a hand to San's cheek. With endearance, the other nodded and put his body flat down again. Wooyoung put his lips to San's neck, placing little kisses filled with love on his soft milky skin. San kept his eyes closed as Wooyoung's hands drifted to his belt buckle and untied it carefully.

"W-Wooyoung…" San's cheeks were burning red in embarrassment. He felt shame for becoming so loose in front of Wooyoung with one gaze, with one touch. Wooyoung looked up at him worriedly. "I-I'm embarrassed…"

"Oh, baby." Wooyoung laughed a bit and kissed the tip of San's nose. "So cute. It's okay. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. What are you embarrassed about?"

San looked away, his cheeks still burning red. "You do it so easily…"

"Do you want to do it too? Want to try being confident?" Wooyoung asked softly, a little smile on his lips. "It'll make it fun, I swear. You being so cute is nice too, but we'll enjoy it more if you find a hit more confidence in doing it. Unless you really don't want to do it."

"I do," San replied quickly, his voice almost failing him. "I just need to get used to the feeling."

"I would say 'take your time', but my little friend says otherwise," Wooyoung replied with a feigned chuckle. "Should we continue?"

San nodded and Wooyoung put his lips to San's neck again, this time sucking on his skin gently to create tiny marks of love. San didn't respond with hesitance this time and, in fact, reached forward to unzip Wooyoung's jacket. Wooyoung pulled away from his neck and looked into his eyes for a moment before planting his lips San's, pulling him into a deep kiss.

"Undress me, Wooyoung," San spoke softly to not disturb the mood. Wooyoung drew away and unbuttoned San's jeans, pulling them off almost instantly and discarding them beside the bed. San sat up to kiss Wooyoung again, but Wooyoung pinned him down again. "Ah, Wooyoung—"

"Have patience, baby," Wooyoung said, drawing out a whine from the other. "Do you want to do this without a condom or with one?"

San was quiet for a bit. "What is better?"

"A condom is already lubed, and I don't have lube right now."

"Condom it is."

Wooyoung went around the bed and went to his bedside table opening the drawer and taking out the line of confoms he had, breaking one off and putting the rest back. He went around the bed again and saw that San had already taken his boxers off, but his large hoodie still covered his body.

"You doing okay, baby?" Wooyoung asked, earning a nod from the other. "I think we'll be okay without prep, right — since you get embarrassed easily?"

San turned red at those words. "W-Woo…"

"I have to ask," Wooyoung said quickly. "You can prep yourself, or I can sweet-talk until we can do it."

San's face was bright red. "I'll… p-prep…" Wooyoung pulled down his own jeans while he was at it, trying to give San some peace of mind by turning his eyes away. San bit his lips together as he lied on his back with his legs propped up.

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