Part 1

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My name is Sadie Brooks. I'm just your average college girl, living in an above average neighborhood with a below average social life. I'm too quiet, or at least that's what my parents say. They're both very successful in the medical field and because of that I've lived a lavish life, one filled with opportunity and excitement.

One might say I have it all, being an only child with wealthy parents. If I were an outsider looking in I'd agree. As they always say, there's more that meets the eye, and with me- that is 100% accurate.

I never thought of myself as being a naughty girl. I was rather tall for my age, awkward as all get out, and nerdy. My breasts were humble, and my body- while thin and toned- was not the kind that boys really lusted after. I didn't have much of an interest in guys my age, or guys in general.

Until I met Mr. Harrison.

He was something else.

His hair was curly and flowed in the wind with grace. This was 1978, so men growing out their hair was all the rage.

His eyes were dark and mysterious, and impossible not to stare into. I caught myself looking into them more often than I probably should. He was sex on legs, dripping with masculinity and shocking my senses every time he spoke to me with his thick Liverpudlian drawl. I was hooked from the start.

But George was married, and he even had an infant son who was born shortly after we moved in next door. I knew my desires of loving a man like him were nothing but a daydream, never to be manifested in reality.


"Okay mum, Jesus Christ!" I yelled in spite, annoyed that yet another chore had fallen upon my shoulders. I was already drowning in schoolwork and what little social life I could maintain, and on top of it all mum wants me to use my valuable time to trim the hedges. Why we couldn't just hire someone to do it was beyond me.

"Don't you dare talk to me that way, Sadie! Now please, get to work." Mother snarled.

I sighed, removing myself from my books to do as I was told. I change into a tank top and a pair of shorts, not bothering to put on a bra as I would only be in my backyard.

It was a hot day for it being only April, a bit unusual for this time of year. I tossed my long brown hair into a ponytail and headed to the yard to start working. I popped in a cassette tape and got to work trimming, sining along to my favorite Eric Clapton songs.

"Nice song, Sadie!" I hear from across the fence.

Mr. Harrison

When he says my name it's like a melody in my head.

"Hey Mr. Harrison! Yeah, he's one of my favorites!" I toss the clippers down onto the grass and head over to the fence.

"Really? I know Eric very well, he's actually a very good friend of mine."

"No way!"

"Way! I just had lunch with him last week!"

I guess it makes sense that they know each other, they're both music icons.

"You're so cool, Mr. Harrison!" I compliment, trying to catch a glimpse of him through the white wooden fence.

"Ah, hardly. Not as cool as I used to be!" He laughs.

"Say, why don't you come over for a cuppa? Olivia's taken the baby out for some shopping and I'm just here by myself." He asks.

I felt my insides begin to flutter imagining myself alone with Mr. Harrison. I knew that his request for my company was innocent, but I still couldn't shake my desire for him.

"Uh... My mum will murder me if I leave these hedges untrimmed."

"I'll call one of me guys to come out and do it. She'll be none the wiser."

"I don't know, Mr. Harrison..."

"Come on, I won't tell if you won't." I can't see him, but I can tell he said this with a smile. I can't help but grin myself, and I quickly make my way over to his house.


"So how's school going, Sadie?" He asks, taking a large gulp of his tea. The drink leaves a film on his mustache, and I watch him lick it off.

"Sadie?" He snaps me out of my trance.

"Oh...sorry! School is fine. It's a lot of work, but I suppose it's worth it." I say, bringing the tea to my lips and taking a sip. My pink lipgloss leaves a stain on the creamy white cup.

"Yeah. I never went to college. Sometimes I wish I had. Life would have been a lot more normal."

We both giggle at his statement, and continue to drink our tea in quiet. I look around the kitchen and see baby bottles scattered around along with other baby paraphernalia. I move my gaze back to George, who to my surprise is staring right at me.

"So Sadie, you must have a lot of suitors."

I nearly choke on my drink, thinking he had to be joking. I had never had a real boyfriend before, and I was certain nobody fancied me.

"No, not at all." I laugh.

He giggles awkwardly with me, and his eyes remain locked on my face.

"Hard to believe. You're a beautiful girl."

His words make me melt completely, and I feel like I could ooze out of my seat. Mr. Harrison just called ME beautiful.

"Thank you, Mr. Harrison." I blush.

"It's true, love." He smiles.

"And please, call me George from now on."

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