Part 29

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"W-what do you mean I'm going to be a mother?" I stammered, my voice shaky and my eyes glossed over with tears. I knew what the doctor meant, but I needed him to say the word.

"You're pregnant, Ms. Brooks!" He said as he mulled over my paperwork.

After he said that everything else became a blur.

"How f..." I began, coughing to clear my throat through my streaming tears. "How far along?"

"Well, we're not sure yet. We need to do an ultrasound to determine that." He stated.

"When can we do that?"

"Well, we're very busy at the moment but since you're with Mr. Lennon here, I think we can move some things around." He winked.

I rolled my eyes and turned to John, who was ghost white and emotionless.

"I'll have one of our nurses get a room ready." He said before exiting. As soon as he was gone I began to weep, hyperventilating and losing my breath as it kept hitching in my throat.

"No! No, no, no, No. NO!" I yelped through my tears. John held my head against his chest as the tears literally poured out of me.

"You'll be alright. Shhhhhh..." he tried to assure me, though I knew I wasn't going to be alright. In fact, I'd be anything but.

I was stunned. My thoughts and emotions tore through me, and I felt like I could throw up. I managed to hold it back for the time being, but the terrible feeling remained.

"Oh John.... I'm so sorry. I'm sooo sorry." I cried into his chest, soaking his shirt with my misery.

"Sadie stop. Just calm down, okay." He stared calmly, kissing the top of my head as I wept.

"You must hate me. Oh God, I'm so stupid!" I'm so fucked up! What is wrong with me!" I heaved, hiccuping as I continued to bawl my eyes out.

John gently pried me away from himself and knelt down to his knees.

"Sadie, I could never hate ye. Never." He said staring into my moist, bloodshot eyes.

"Well you should." I muttered, wiping my eyes with the palms of my hands.

"How could I hate someone I love?" He mumbled under his breath, causing me to break down even harder.

Before we had a chance to discuss anything the doctor came back in and announced that there was a room prepared for my ultrasound.


"Alright Ms. Brooks, this might feel a little cold, so I apologize for that." The doctor said as he hovered a tube of something over my stomach, then squirted a dollop of clear blue gel onto it. He then grabbed the ultrasound probe and set it down in the middle of my abdomen.

John held my hand tightly as I focused on the screen beside me while the doctor moved the probe around my belly.

After a few minutes a steady thump graced my ears, and on the screen I saw what looked like a little bubble with a gummy bear inside.

"Is that the baby? That little squiggly thing?" I asked as I squinted to get a better look.

"Yes it is, and that noise you hear is your baby's heartbeat." He smiled as he glided the wand around some more.

He calmly explained what everything was as he pointed to the screen, then shifted his attention to me.

"It looks to me like you're about twelve weeks along, Ms. Brooks." I gulped down the lump in my throat, thinking back to all of the horrible things I'd done since then. Smoking weed, drinking alcohol, etc.

"I-Is the baby healthy?" John spoke up for the first time with his eyes glued to the monitor.

"Yes, quite. Heartbeat is strong and the fetus looks like it's growing right along!" He said as he took the wand off of my warm stomach. He handed me a towel and printed a photograph from the monitor.

I looked over to John, who looked at me inquisitively. He was so hard to read, and it worried me.

"Here you go, Ms. Brooks." The doctor smiled as he handed me the sonogram picture. I stared at it with widened eyes. It all was suddenly becoming real to me. This was my child.

"Thank you." I said to the doctor before he walked out.

"Congratulations, Ms. Brooks and Mr. Lennon!"

"Oh I-" before I could explain the doctor had left the room. I was about to tell him that John wasn't the father, but then it hit me.

He might be.

Oh God.

Oh I'm going to be sick.

I handed John the little black and white photo and rushed off to the toilet, anxious to relieve my impending sick.


I came back and saw John still sitting in the exact same spot, staring longingly at the ultrasound.

"Do ye think it's mine?" He asked as he brushed his finger over the photo.

"I... don't know." I said, sitting back down on the bed. "He said I'm twelve weeks along..."

I flashed back three months ago when I slept with George in the hotel, and remembered that I'd also made love to John that very same day.

"John..." I whispered as I held his wrist.

John didn't say anything else. He looked pensive, and handed me the ultrasound. After a few moments of awkward silence we left the room to check out.

Since my symptoms were due to pregnancy the doctor had released me, so we were free to go back to John's apartment. As we walked down the hallway I noticed the doctor had an interesting look in his eyes. It made me uncomfortable, but I shrugged it off and continued walking behind John.

Once we reached the hospital door we were bombarded with cameras and reporters blocking the steps that led to the parking lot.

"Mr. Lennon! Mr. Lennon!" They exclaimed. John became angry and and lashed out at them, shouting obscenities towards the press.

"What do we do?" I whispered to him in a panic.

"Just stay behind me, I'll take care of them." He assured.

"She's got an ultrasound!" I heard a woman shout, getting everyone else's attention immediately.

"Fuck!" I sighed under my breath as I tried to slip it into my pocket as fast as I could. The damage was done though, and everybody had gotten their photographs of it.

"MR. LENNON! IS THIS MYSTERY WOMAN PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD?" A reporter asked, and without another second passing John took his fist and punched him square in the face- causing all of the others to snap more photos. This was a field day for them.

"C'mon Sadie..." he muttered as he navigated through the heaps of journalists. I knelt my head down and walked behind him until we finally made it to the safety of our car.

"Fuckin' doctor must've tipped them off. Fuck!" John bellowed, punching the steering wheel in rage. His hands were bloody and his face was covered in sweat.

It wasn't until then that I realized the severity of what just happened. Those reporters just got pictures of he and I together, and not only that- my ultrasound was in my hand. This would inevitably end up in the papers tomorrow for the whole world to see- including my parents, and...


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