Part 5

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"Shit" George whispered under his breath. I jumped up and quickly began to put my clothes on as did he. We both looked at each other in complete panic, deciding it was best to make up some story on the fly as to why we were together rather than me trying to sneak out.

"George?" Olivia calls again, her heels making a loud clicking sound as she walks up the stairs. She stops at the doorway with her baby in hand looking at the both of us with a puzzled expression.

"Sadie? What are you doing up here?" She asks semi-sweetly, but I can tell she's incredibly suspicious.

"George was going to show me 'round the studio!" I said trying to sound cheery, keeping my eyes on Olivia. If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.

"Yes, and it was locked so I came up here to get me key out of the nightstand." George laughed, lying a little too well. I tried not to look at him for fear that she would put two and two together if I did.

Olivia turned to George, then back to me. I flashed her a nervous grin, which she returned.

"Okay. Well, it's getting late. I'm sure your parents are wondering where you are, right Sadie?" She asks, anger seething beneath her kind voice.

"What's this?" She says, handing the baby off to George and walking towards the bed. She lifts up the sheets and sees a small patch of blood on them. My heart falls into my stomach, I look to George who is equally terrified.

"Ah, Nosebleed. Had one earlier today, y'know how me allergies get. Sorry, love." He thinks on his feet, speaking nonchalantly as if no worries possessed his mind. He kisses her cheek and she smiles against his lips. Seeing him be affectionate with his wife right after he took my virginity made me want to break down and cry.

Olivia nods and walks away. I have no idea if she bought his excuse, but I'm relieved that she didn't press further.

"Well, thank you George for offering to show me around your studio, but I better get going."

"That's a great idea, Sadie." Olivia says.

I wave to the both of them and practically run back to the safety of my house, immediately bursting into tears as soon as I'm inside.

I felt angry at Olivia for ruining the most important moment of my life, but I felt more angry at myself for even allowing a married man to have me.

I begin to feel sick as my mind wanders off into dark depths, consuming me with both guilt and rage. I crawl to bed and fall asleep, hoping when I wake I'll start to feel better.


The sun felt a bit harsher this morning as it peeked through the slit of my curtains. There was a deep cramping in between my legs as I rolled out of bed to start my day.

The soreness reminded me of what had occurred the day before. Flashbacks of George making sweet love to me filled my heart with joy. Then the shame set in as I remembered how we were almost caught by Olivia. I sigh, and head downstairs for breakfast.

"Sadie, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Mother says, pouring herself some tea from the kettle. I ignore her comment and head to the pantry to retrieve the cornflakes.

"What's the matter?" Mum persists. I know she isn't going to let it go, so I finally speak to her.

"Stayed up too late." I mutter, pouring milk into my bowl of cereal and heading to the dining room table to sit down.

"Sadie, you're limping! Are you hurt?"

"Just exercised a little too hard yesterday is all."

I begin to eat, praying that she leaves me alone to wallow in my self pity.

"Don't you have to go to work?" I ask her.

"I have a few minutes. Talk to me, Sadie. Somethings bothering you, I know it."

My mother could be a heartless twat sometimes, but she was always able to tell when I was feeling depressed.

"Mum, I'm fine. Honest. Please don't worry about me." I said, trying my best to hold back tears. I wish I could spill my guts and tell her everything, but my mum wasn't the warmest person. She would reprimand me if she found out what I'd done.

Mum smiled and kissed my head, then tossed her purse over her shoulder and left for work. I sighed in relief when I heard the door shut.

I sat at the table and read the newspaper until I heard a knock on the door a few minutes later.

I set the paper down and go to open it.

"Leave your keys behind agai-" I look up to find that it isn't my mother, it's George.

"Hi Sadie, May I come in?"

My heartbeat quickens as I nod and let him inside, quickly shutting the door behind us.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. Fuck, I was so stupid." He paces around the sitting room while he speaks quietly.

"It was my fault too, George." I mutter, sitting down on the arm of our couch.

"I'm the older one. I should have stopped you."

My mind goes blank when the words come out of his mouth.

"Should have stopped ME? You're the one who initiated it!" I yell, unable to control my volume.

"And you're saying you just came over to me house dressed like a ten to have a chat and leave? Poppycock!" He spits back, and I begin to cry into my hands.

"I think you should go." I speak through my hyperventilation.

"Sadie no. No no no. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He rushes to my side, taking me into his arms and hugging me tightly.

"Shhhhh, love. I shouldn't have snapped. I'm so sorry." He apologizes profusely, but my heart is already numb. I remain cold to him, though the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around my body make me feel warm and fuzzy.

"George, please go." I whisper into his chest.

I look up to him, and watch him blink as tears begin to fall from his eyes.

"I don't want to leave you alone." he cries, gently kissing my forehead and letting his tears fall like a river.

"You have a life. You have a family. I'm nothing to you."

He brings my face towards his lips and kisses me hard, clutching onto me so tightly it's almost painful.

"Don't you dare put words into my mouth. You mean the world to me and you know that." He admits, making me cry even harder.

"George..." I begin to protest, only to be cut off by a shocking confession.

"I love you Sadie Brooks."

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