Part 23

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I blinked rapidly as I opened my eyes to look around me. I could see through the slit of the curtains that a new day had already dawned.. I felt George's body wiggle against me, gently stirring as I turned to face him. He was still sleeping soundly with his precious lips pursed slightly, taking in deep, steady breaths.

I wondered how long he'd get to be mine today, and what time he would have to leave this room and go back home to his family. I felt my mind begin to wander to depressing places and quickly snapped myself out of it. It didn't matter how much time we had together as long as we made the most of it.

I leaned forward and kissed his lips gently, smiling against them before pulling away and sighing.

George grinned with his eyes still closed, inching forward for another delicate peck. His hand reached up to cup my cheek as he bit my bottom lip softly, dragging it down to open my mouth. I gently parted my lips, giving him enough room to slip his tongue in and curl it around mine.

With our tongues intertwined, we slowly began to wake up and face the new day, grinding our bodies together softly as we lay chest to chest.

"Good morning, Sadie." He beams, his voice still gruff from sleeping.

"Morning George." I sighed, looking into his enchanting brown eyes. I wanted to live in them. After a long while of exchanging small kisses and staring, George's lips formed into a perfectly happy grin.

"Would you like some tea?" He asked, running his fingers through my hair.

"That sounds lovely."

George wiggled himself out of the mess of sheets, wrapping one of them around his waist as he walked over to the kitchen to put the kettle on the stove.

What a sight to see. George Harrison in nothing but a sheet around his waist, shuffling across the floor of a beautiful hotel room. How I wished I could capture this moment and keep it locked away forever.

I sat up in bed, stretching my arms up and letting a yawn escape as I watched George walk back over. He stared at me with a look of pure affection as I wiped the remaining sleep off of my tired eyes.

"You are perfection, Sadie Brooks." He whispers, grasping my hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss.

"Speak for yourself!" I retort playfully, nestling myself into his warm embrace.

"Why did you do all of this for me?" I ask him.

"I did it because you deserve it. I've put you through so much recently, and I wanted you to feel loved and appreciated on your birthday." He responds.

I smile and sigh into his rough chest hair as my arms wrap around him in a hug.

"I love you." I whisper. It's not like we'd never said those three words before, but today they felt different. They felt more raw and meaningful.

"I love you too."

After a few minutes laying in silence and enjoying our skin-to-skin cuddling a question arose in my mind.

"What do we do now? I know your loyalty still lies with your family, but what we shared last night- it was something else." I admit.

He brings his head down to kiss the top of mine, taking a moment to think about his response before replying.

"I wish I had an answer for you. All I can say is I feel the same way about last night. It felt different for me too."

I was relieved that he agreed with my interpretation.

"George, I think I'm in love with you." I confess to him. I know I just said I loved him, but what I felt was beyond that. After last night I feel bonded to him in a way I'd never been before. It felt like our bodies were meant to be together as one.

Before George could answer the loud whistling of the tea kettle interrupted our deep conversation.

He quickly skipped to the kitchen and began making our teas just the way we liked them.

"Sadie, our time together means the world to me. It kills me to be apart from you." George begins as he sets the teacups down on our respective nightstands.

"When I'm with you me mind is completely shaken. All of me morals are tossed into the bin and nothing matters except being with you. You're funny, you're smart, you're loving, you're so bloody sexy. You make me feel young again." He began.

"Sadie, I really adore you, but the facts are the facts and I've got a family who needs me. I can't just up and leave them. I wish there was a way for us to be together as a couple, but I'm afraid there just isn't right now."

My eyes began to swell with emotion as he spoke to me. I really did understand where he was coming from. Leaving Olivia would complicate his relationship with his son and it would be far too risky. Still, having my dreams dashed hurt like a knife to the throat.

I sat quietly in bed and played with my hair, not really knowing what or how to respond to him.

"I guess we'll just have to be satisfied with moments like this." I muttered.

"We'll still see each other, right?" I asked, my voice riddled with fear.

"I'll be with you as much as I can, love. I promise you." He leaned forward to kiss my forehead hard enough to leave an indention where his lips touched.

"I think we should take advantage of today." I say to him.

"What did you have in mind?" He asks, his voice deliciously low.

"Let me show ya." I purr, pushing his body down gently so his back is on the bed. Slowly, I begin to peel the blanket off of his hips revealing his substantial morning wood.

I widen my mouth to slip his cock into the opening, letting my tongue drag down the tip and shaft. I wrap my hand around the base and begin stroking as I deep throat him with one swift motion. I'm taking him so deeply that my lips touch my fingers with every pump of my mouth.

"Oh" he moans, taking his hands and placing them on the back of my head to drive himself deeper. I suck as hard as I can until his hips buck up against me and his body begins to tremble and shake.

"Sadie... Sadie... Sadie." With every chant of my name, he thrusts into my throat, and it feels spectacular.

A steady flow of pre-cum graces my tongue, giving me a sneak peek of the main course that is close to erupting any second.

He tastes so sweet with the faintest bit of saltyness, a mouthwatering flavor. I remove my lips from his straining member to place my tongue on the tip and stroke him to his high, which comes rather quickly. His thick hot semen spills onto my tongue and I make sure he gets a good look before I swallow it down effortlessly.

"Fuck... that was incredible." He pants, his breath still shaky and his legs still quivering.

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