Part 12

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We kissed hungrily, our tongues leaving no crevice untouched.

My back arched against his body as he began to drive himself into me, my heart completely ablaze with the lust of a forbidden encounter. I grab onto his back and push my hips forward to match his thrusts, leaning against the bathroom mirror and trying my best to hold back the screams.

His scruff was abrasive on my soft skin as he moved his face around my neck and shoulders. I couldn't stop myself from moaning and he grasped onto my throat, a warning to shut up. His roughness turned me on even more, and I was about to explode with pleasure.

Bodies were slapping against one another, and sweat was dripping from our foreheads. We were one.

I feel myself coming closer.

I feel him kissing my shoulder.

Oh John, every inch of you is mine at last!

I suddenly wake up screaming, startled and confused in a pool of cold sweat. I take a moment to catch my breath, looking around the room to find that I'm still here with George who's now awake due to my outburst

"Sadie! Sadie! Are you alright?" George asks, pulling me close to him.

"Yeah, Uh...sorry." I apologize, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"It's alright love, were you having a nightmare?"


"Yes, I must've been. I'm afraid I can't remember what it was about though!" I play it off, and he buys it.

"Huh. Well, I'm glad you're okay. You had me bloody terrified!" George smiles and kisses my forehead. I look to the clock and it's only 4AM, so we lay back down to spoon for the rest of the morning.


I wake up slowly, and turn around to find that George is no longer with me in bed. I can't see him, but I can hear him. He's on the phone in the other room and from the sound of it the conversation seems heated.

I get out of bed to go towards him in an attempt to eavesdrop, but when I do he's already off the phone.

"Good morning angel!" He smiles and pulls me in to kiss my forehead.

"Mmmm, good morning Georgie." We kiss again.

"Who was that on the phone?" I ask.

"John." George says sternly.

I cringe, remembering the intense sex dream I'd had.

"R-really? What did he have to say?"

"Doesn't remember a thing about yesterday. Typical. He wants to come and apologize to you." George says.

"What did you tell him?"

"I said absolutely not."

I swallow the lump in my throat and look pensively down to my feet, then back to George.

"Why don't you let him?" I say. George's eyebrows curl in confusion and he shakes his head.

"Why would I let that tosser back in here after what he did to my girl?" He barks.

"George he doesn't remember, and he's one of your best mates! You can't stay mad at him just because he tried to have a snog with me. You guys are rockers, it's what you do."

He paces around for a bit, scratching his chin deep in thought.

"I suppose you're right. But if that bastard so much as looks at you the wrong way I'm going to kill him."


GUYS sorry for the super short chapter, I'm moving right now and decided to just release this the way it is. It's getting good though, y'all.

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