Part 45

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The front door screeched as George opened it, allowing the three of us to enter for the first time as a family.

"This is home, Daisy girl." I beamed as I glanced down at my daughter's sleepy face.

"What do you think?" George asked her as he pulled me by the shoulder into his side. She cooed happily, staring up at George and I with her shimmering brown eyes.

"Her eyes are magical." George smiled and reached for her cheek, caressing it softly with his finger.

"They really are. Too bad they're always closed." I giggled.

"No kidding. Hopefully she keeps 'em closed tonight so we can get some sleep." He joked. "Let me have her."

I grinned and placed Daisy into her father's arms.

"Who's that right there? Is that your mum?" George spoke sweetly to her, and she responded with one of her newborn squeaks. "She's pretty, isn't she?" He lifted her head up slightly so she could see me. "And you're pretty too! The prettiest of them all..."

George leaned down carefully to kiss her tiny head. She cooed in response, then her eyes fell shut in contentment.

"You wanna try to lay her down?"

"No, she's fine right here in daddy's arms." George whispered. "Aren't you, baby girl?"

"Alright then." I chuckled quietly.

George began walking around the house, cradling his little creation in the crook of his arms. The fact that she was fast asleep didn't stop him from giving her the grand tour of the house from the sitting room all the way to the garden. Once they reached the nursery, I decided to join them.

"Why do I feel like I've been replaced?" I smirked, leaning against the doorway.

"Because you have been." George chuckled and turned around to face me with Daisy draped over his shoulder, his fingers gently stroking her back.

"I suppose I should lay her down now."

"Maybe." I smiled.


"She really went down that easily?" I asked as I fixed us both lunch.

"Well yeah, she's a perfect angel." He retorted proudly.

"Say that again when she's screaming her lungs out at 3AM."

"Good thing my shift ends at 9."

"What! That's not how this works!" I chuckled.

"You know I need me beauty sleep, Sadie."

"Oh yes, how could I forget." I rolled my eyes.

I felt George snake his arms around my waist, holding me tightly against his body.

"Ow" I winced.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I forgot you're still healing."

"It's okay, I'm fine." I grinned as he pushed my hair to the side to kiss my neck.

"So, I hope you don't mind...I've invited some people over to meet Daisy."

"What?" I wiggled out of his embrace. "Who?"

"Calm down, it's just some friends and family."

"George I look a mess!"

"Darling, you've just had a baby... and you look fine."

George pulled me in once again though this time we were facing one another.

"You really mean that?" I asked.

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