Part 9

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The leaves had changed from green to orange, a gorgeous welcome to fall. This was my favorite time of year, as I loved bundling up in cute sweaters and taking long walks in the cold.

Summer seemed to fly by rather quickly. I spent most of my days watching Dhani, and to my surprise I actually really enjoyed it. He was a very sweet baby and he slept a lot, which was nice.

As for George and I, we were head over heels for each other. We shagged every chance we got, like a couple of horny rabbits.

Every room in both of our houses had been christened by our lovemaking, and nobody had been the wiser. We had become very good at being discreet, and were careful of being seen outside of our houses.

School had started again so I was very busy focusing on my studies, though I really only wanted to focus on George and how good he made me feel. I'd become so much more confident, and had even begun to wear makeup and dress nicer. He was changing me for the better, and I was loving every minute of it.

It was a Saturday evening and I was all set to watch Dhani. Olivia had plans to go out and George was going to take care of some business at home that required his full attention.

I arrived at the Harrison's at 6PM sharp, ready to begin my babysitting duties. As soon as I got inside Olivia handed Dhani off to me and headed out the door. I got to work feeding him a bottle, and sat down on the couch to burp him. George was already in his office making some calls, and I didn't bother him.

I decided since it was a nice night I'd bundle up and take Dhani for a walk. He loved his pram, and I loved the fresh air.


Dhani had begun to yawn just before we arrived home at 7:30. His bedtime was at 8 so I warmed up a bottle and got his bath going, then fed him to sleep. I stared at him for a little while after transferring him to his crib, imagining having my own baby with George. I wondered if they would take after him like Dhani, or if my features would be more prevalent. I smiled and turned off the lights, then tiptoed to the sitting room.

I sat down on the couch to read a book, enjoying the quiet time when I felt a pair of hands begin to massage my shoulders.

"Oooh that's nice." I sigh, letting George's strong hands knead into me where I needed them most.

"How was Dhani?" He asks, removing his hands and walking around the couch to sit next to me.

"Perfect as usual. You got lucky with that one." I laugh, setting my book down on the table. I turn to look at George, and he presses a loving kiss on my lips.

"He loves you a lot!" He smiles, running his hand down my arm.

"And I love you a lot!"

I blush and hit his chest playfully, then lay my head on his lap.

"So Sadie, I wanted to talk to you about something." He begins, lacing his fingers in my long hair. I look up to watch him as he speaks.

"I've got to make a trip out to New York in a few days. I'm meeting up with a couple of old mates for a week." He says.

"Do you need me to watch Dhani? I can move some things around in my schedule if you guys need me."

"No, not exactly." He's being vague, and I wonder where he's going with this.

"I want you to come with me."

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, though I'm also a bit intrigued.

"George, that's way too risky." I shut him down immediately, thinking there's no possible way we could pull that plan off.

"I know some people who can keep a secret. I can get us a private plane and we'll stay at the hotel most of the time. No one will see us, I promise."

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