Part 21

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I must admit, it was nice to finally be in my own house again. The crisp familiar air of home gave me a sense of normality that I had desperately been craving.

I had been home for about a week now and slowly diving back into my old routine which mostly consisted of studying, exams, and tinkering around the house.

Since New York John had called me a couple of times to check in, and I appreciated it. He turned out to be such a sweetheart, and I'll remember my days with him forever. We both agreed that our tryst was nothing but a fling, and we were exactly what each other needed at the time. We agreed to always remain friends, but nothing more.

I hadn't been around George at all since being back, and I was actually grateful for it. I knew that if I saw him I would just fall backwards and my still very raw wound would deepen even more. However, even though we hadn't seen each other physically, I still thought about him 24/7.

I thought about his stunningly dark eyes and how I longed to stare into them even just for a second. I thought about the nearly-crippling orgasms he gave me, and how I'd give literally anything to have one again. Every moment spent with him was a spectacular memory and it simultaneously thrilled me and broke my heart to reminisce.

Perhaps what hurt the most was that I didn't just miss our sexual encounters, I missed him. I still wanted him so badly. I wanted to share a life with him and have deep conversations till the midnight hour. I wanted to wake up next to his beautiful face every morning and know that he was mine to keep. I wanted things with him that went far beyond sex.

Though I'm sure he'd never admit it, I know he wanted more too. We had a satisfying chemistry that just couldn't be denied as much as we both wished it could.


Today was my 19th birthday, and my parents of course were out of town for work. Typical of them. My one and only friend Celine was sick with the flu, so I was left to my own devices. I decided to bake myself a cake, sounds depressing I'm sure, but that's my life at the moment.


Truthfully, I don't think there's anything I hate more than grocery shopping. There was always a risk of running into someone I knew, and the introvert in me hated that. I always made my shopping trips quick and simple, getting only the bare minimum before rushing back to the safety of home.

Though my height was above average for a woman, I still couldn't reach the flour that was inconveniently located on the highest shelf in the baking aisle. I huffed as I jumped up to try and retrieve it, then a voice coming seemingly from nowhere startled me, making me lose my momentum.

"Need help with that?" George asked with a wink, swiping the flour off of the shelf with little effort.

"Thanks. Guess I'm not that tall after all!" I joked.

He laughed and looked at me with that sweet toothy grin. I don't even remember the last time we'd locked eyes. It felt like coming home.

"Whatcha making?" He breaks our eye contact to snoop into my shopping basket.

"Chocolate cake. It's my birthday!" I say, trying to my best to maintain the small talk.

"Oh goodness! Happy birthday, love!"


Oh how I missed him.

"Why thank you!"

"Doing anything special?" He asks.

"Nope. My parents are out of town and My friends suck, so I'll just be watching the telly and eating cake! If it even turns out, baking isn't my strong suit!" I laugh.

I saw how his thick brow curved ever so slightly when I mentioned that my parents were gone. The dangerous look of excitement in his eyes made my inner walls twitch with desire.

"Well, have fun! And again, happy birthday!" I could tell he was trying to sound mature to hide his hunger for me, but I could see right through it.

"Thank you, Mr. Harrison." I simpered, knowing damn good and well that my use of "Mr. Harrison" would drive him wild.


Not even half an hour later George and I were pulling up to our driveways at the exact same time. We winked at each other through our windows, and went along our merry ways.

Once inside the house I began mixing together ingredients for my cake. I laid out everything I'd gotten on the kitchen counter so I could have easy access, then I realized something.

"FUCK!" I exclaim.

What's the main ingredient you need for chocolate cake? The fucking chocolate, which I forgot to get.

I'd already begun the process of making the cake so I couldn't stop now. George was home, so I figured maybe I'd press my luck and see if he had any.

I skipped over to George's house with my measuring cup in hand, wearing an apron that was dusted in flour. I looked a mess. I knocked on his door and waited patiently for him to answer. It took a while for him to open it.

"Oh...hi Sadie..." he says rather anxiously.

"Bad time?" I ask.

" N-no, what do you need?" He stutters, looking briefly down at his pants which were unbuttoned.

"I wanted to see if you had any chocolate. Forgot to grab some for my cake."

"Right! Uh, I'll check. Come on in." He stumbles over to his kitchen, leaving me to wander aimlessly around his sitting room. My eyes are drawn to the box of tissues on the coffee table, along with the bra he'd ripped off of me in New York.

"Oh... um..." his cheeks redden with embarrassment as he tosses me a can of cocoa powder.

"It's okay George." I murmur, stepping over to where he is until I'm inches away from his face. "We all have needs."

George moans as I slowly walk backwards towards his front door.

"Thanks for the chocolate!" I wink.

I open the door to leave, but he quickly grabs me by the arm and pulls me back inside. Standing against the door, George kissed me passionately. There were no words exchanged, just pure and utter desire from two souls that had been deprived of each other long enough.

The rugged skin of George's palms wandered up and down my arms as our tongues danced in perfect choreography. I almost wanted to cry, it felt so extraordinary.

Eventually George broke our kiss, flashing me a delectable smirk with those heavenly dimples.

"Happy birthday Sadie."

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