Part 31

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"John, this is ridiculous! I'm not a child!" I spat as I watched him throw his clothes into a suitcase from the edge of the bed.

"I know yer not. That's not what this is about!"

I groaned dramatically and rubbed my temples.

"I just don't understand why yer so worked up about this. I only want to be there for ye!"

"I don't need you to be there for me!"

John shook his head as he walked over to the closet.

"Sadie, I know ye want to be independent, but this is just as much me business as it is yours. I think if ye went by yourself you'd be putting far too much stress on the baby." He replied sternly as he continued packing.

"You're putting stress on me and the baby by pushing this so hard!" I looked down to my tummy and placed my hand on it delicately.

John seemed hurt, and I was immediately ridden with guilt. How could I be so cruel to him when he'd been nothing but nice to me? I sighed heavily.

"Look Sadie, I'm not trying to make ye uncomfortable, I just..."

"John, I'm sorry. You don't have to explain yourself. You've done nothing wrong." I paused briefly and he smiled at me.

"I'm just nervous, okay? I don't know what to do! My parents are probably going to kill me and George... oh god." I felt sick, my thoughts running around crazily.

"See, this is why I want to be with ye. Ye can't handle this on yer own." He said as he took a seat next to me, brushing my hair with his fingers. "Just let me be there for ye... as yer friend...please."

I cracked a half-hearted smile. Though I had my fears, I knew there was no way of talking him out of this.

"Alright. You can come. But I want to tell George about the baby on my own, alright?"

"Sure." John nodded and pulled me close for a side-hug.

"Have ye packed yet?" He asked as he rubbed the small of my back through my shirt.

"Yes, everything is in the guest room." I said quietly.

John grinned and got up to retrieve his own suitcase. We met in the kitchen several minutes later.

"Here." John extends his arm out and hands me a grocery bag.

"What is it?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"It's a disguise."

"You've got to be kidding me." I let out a small laugh before taking the blonde wig and sunglasses out of the bag to inspect them.

"I know it seems mad but we can't take any more chances after what happened at the hospital."

As stupid as it seemed, John was right about this. I tossed the wig on and brushed it out in the mirror, then placed the sunglasses on my face and did a twirl in front of John. He giggled and reached out to grab a piece of my fake hair.

"I always knew you'd be a pretty blonde." He chuckled again, and quickly got to work putting on his own disguise.


The flight was smoother than I expected, and thankfully I hadn't gotten sick. There was very little turbulence, and once we took off I was actually able to sleep most of the way.

To my surprise, I felt relieved to have John by my side. As much as I wanted to face my issues alone, I was happy to have his support. He really did make me feel protected.

We'd just been given the go-ahead to exit the plane, so we rose from our seats and began to stroll towards the gate.


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