Part 38

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"Home sweet home!" George chimed as he opened the door.

I should have been relieved to be out of the hospital but as soon as I set foot into the dark hotel room my chest began to tighten. The memories of what had occurred just hours ago came rushing back into my brain, and I suddenly felt like I was drowning.

"Oh love, is this too much for you?" George asked as he took my face into his hands, brushing his calloused thumbs along my cheeks.

"It'll be okay. It's just hard to be here when..." I trailed off as tears started to fall. George slipped his arms around my neck and pulled me into his chest, hugging me tightly. "I know, darling." He whispered, blowing gently into my hair.

"Our little girl is alright. That's all that matters."

I nodded against his shirt and peeled my head back to look into his eyes. They were bloodshot from the lack of sleep, yet still filled with love.

"And you're alright too, Sadie." He said softly. "God I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you..."

"You won't, George. I love you so much."

"I love you more."  He whispered before leaning down to kiss me, slowly yet passionately. I wrapped my arms around him as his tongue slipped past my lips, happily twirling around my own and making my toes to curl in joy.

As we kissed George turned my body around, then began pressing his against mine until we were right at the foot of the bed. Before I even realized what was happening I was on top of the sheets with George between my legs, both of us still clothed.

I gasped as his lips latched onto my neck, sucking on the flesh like a melting popsicle. His hands roamed up and down my torso, slipping up the hem of my shirt to cup my aching breasts. I wanted more. I wanted so much more but I needed to stop him.

"George!" I yelped, using my palms to push his chest off of mine.

"George we can't!"

He looked at me with a puzzled expression, seemingly wondering why I stopped him.

"I'm on pelvic rest, remember? We can't have sex." I panted, my breathing still heavy from the arousal.

"Right." He muttered quietly, his cheeks flushed red as if he was embarrassed. He gave me an apologetic grin and crawled off of my body, smoothing over his shirt before taking a seat at the edge of the bed.

"I'm so sorry. I got carried away..." George held his head in his hands and shook it back and forth. I laughed and scooted over to him, then pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay! I did too." I giggled as I pulled away to look down. "I want you so badly George, but we've got to keep this baby cooking!"

George laughed and placed his hand on my belly, triggering a kick from his daughter. He grinned and pushed me down on the bed, then laid his head on my stomach to talk to her.

"Hello... it's me, daddy." He whispered as he poked the skin underneath my belly button. The baby immediately kicked him back, so George laughed and poked her again, and she kicked him once more.

"I think we've got a game going now." He laughed as he continued poking me. I grinned as I watched him and began rubbing his scalp, playing with his curls as if they were Christmas ribbons.

"You're being a good girl, yeah?" He asked my belly. "Better not give mum any more trouble!" He pretended to scold her, which made me laugh even harder.

"Alright little love, that's all for now. Daddy and mummy are exhausted." He said with a gentle pat, then kissed my belly button and scooted up to where I was laying. He took me into his arms and kissed me lovingly on the lips before pulling the covers over our bodies.

As if we'd forgotten everything we'd just talked about, we began to make out heavily for several minutes. Both of us were breathing loudly into each others mouths, and our hands were exploring every bit of our bodies as I climbed on top of him. I began grinding into his erection through his pants, and his hands were grasping firmly onto my thighs- squeezing the flesh harshly enough to make me gasp.

"We can't do this, Sadie!" George cried in frustration as he rolled me back over to my side. I whined and rubbed my temples, then suddenly a lightbulb went off in my head.

"Get on your back." I purred dangerously low, causing George to moan and oblige.

I quickly began unbuttoning his trousers, feeling his pelvis tense against my fingers as I slid his clothing down. Once there were no barriers I hovered between his legs and studied his member. It was standing up straight up and thick with veins protruding in all of the right places.

"Are you sure you're okay with doing this?" He asked, out of breath from the excitement.

"God yes!" I nodded and cradled his balls with my left hand while my right wrapped around his shaft. He jerked his hips and groaned at the sensation, tangling his fingers into my hair to encourage me.

I dragged my tongue around his sack and sucked one of his testicles between my lips. He gasped as my tongue began warming up the flesh, applying just the right amount of pressure where he needed it.

After a few seconds of pleasuring him there I moved to the second ball to lick and suck to my hearts content. George was panting loudly, moaning out my name with every brush of my tongue. Knowing the immense pleasure I was bringing to him was enough to satisfy me, at least for now.

"Fuck baby...oh god I missed this." He seethed as he moved his hands from my hair to the bedsheets, gripping onto them tightly.

"Me too." I said as I released his sack from my mouth. I grinned and held eye contact as I slowly slid my tongue up his shaft until it reached the tip. His eyes rolled back as I lapped up his precum, which at this point was flowing out in a steady stream.

I relished in his sweetness before giving into his desires, sucking him into my mouth and hollowing my cheeks. I began bobbing my head up and down steadily, my tongue swirling around the crown of his cock with every thrust.

"Sadie baby..." he moaned, nearly screaming as he came closer and closer to his climax. "I'm gonna cum..."

Hearing those words made me increase the power of my suction, and I was nearly swallowing his whole shaft. His tip bumped against the back of my throat repeatedly and relentlessly, causing me to gag and cough.

Seconds later I was delighted to feel the warmth of his cum coat every one of my tastebuds, jet after jet squirting into my throat.

I scarfed it all down as if it were as sweet as whipped cream, holding my mouth in place so I wouldn't miss a drop. Georges hips were bucking upwards, and his legs were shaking violently beneath my grip.

After pleasuring him we were both spent, so we decided to take a nap in each others arms to replenish.


Whew! I missed writing George and Sadie smut, lol.

Next chapter we will revisit John! Y'all ready for that? Cause I'm not! 😂

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