Part 27

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I awoke to the loud chirp of a siren coming from across the street. It took me a second to remember where I was, because while I was asleep all I dreamt about was home.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I slipped out of the cozy patio chair like a sloth, stretching my arms up to the sky. I looked around and John had apparently gone to bed, so I walked over to the balcony rail and leaned against it, soaking in the lovely scenery before me.

New York was gorgeous this time of year, and Christmas trees and lights adorned every busy corner. It was straight out of a movie, and I was in heaven.

After a while of taking it all in, I finally began to feel cold. It hit me that I hadn't changed out of my party clothes that I'd now been wearing for two days straight, and my bare legs felt like ice blocks.

I swiped the blanket off the chair and wrapped it around my chilled body, then opened the sliding door to go inside.

Much to my surprise John was on the couch still awake. I hadn't noticed him previously because the lamps were turned off, and the only light came from the television which was playing some music documentary.

Once he heard the door open, he looked back at me and smiled.

"I thought ye said ye liked the cold?" He sneered, staring at the heavy blanket I'd wrapped myself in.

I closed my eyes and stuck my tongue out like a child, earning a sweet giggle from him.

"Come here." He smiled, patting the seat next to him on the couch.

I walked over and plopped down, resting my feet on the ottoman just like he was.

"Ye feeling okay?" John asked.

"John, you've asked me that a hundred times. Yes, I'm fine." I roll my eyes. He laughs and shifts his attention to the telly.

I'm too focused on his profile to give any mind to what's playing on the screen. I'm still in somewhat of a sleepy daze, so everything about him looks ethereal and dreamlike. His nose, his lips, it was all so breathtaking as the television light illuminated his features. I stared like a creep for a while until eventually he caught me and smiled.

"Enjoying the movie?" He winks, slugging me playfully on the shoulder.

"Sorry! You're just... really handsome."

John grins and reaches for the remote. He turns off the film and takes me by the hand.

"It's good to have ye here. I missed ye Sadie." He says with quiet sincerity.

"Really?" I'm a bit surprised by the admission. Who would miss me?

"Yes really! Can't make me morning scrambled eggs anymore without thinking about ye dancing in me kitchen. Seeing ye shuffle about in me t-shirt, singing along to Elvis." He giggles.

I grin at the memory, thinking back to what happened afterwards. Feeling his rough hands on my soft breasts and how his tongue felt all tangled up in mine. My cheeks burned as I took a jaunt down memory lane.

"I guess I missed you too." I giggle, unable to hide my visible attraction.

We stare at each other for a while hand in hand before a somewhat stoic look graces John's face.

"Sadie... what do ye want most in life?" He asks me. It was an odd question coming from him since he usually wasn't one for serious discussions like this.

"Honestly?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"No, I want ye to lie. Yes, honestly." He giggles.

"You're gonna laugh." I said with an embarrassed grin.

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