Part 22

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I walked back to my house feeling butterflies soaring in my stomach. It was like my heart had been rehydrated with the feeling of George's lips on mine again.

I didn't even care about my cake anymore, all I wanted to do was bask in the euphoria of George and I rekindling our romance.

As I was dancing around the house I noticed a note had been slipped under my front door. With my curiosity piqued, I went to go pick it up and read it.


Meet me at the Marriott in Queen Square around 9:30. Check in under the name of Jessica Wilbury. Happy birthday, love. I'm all yours.

- Mr. Harrison

I squealed in excitement, then quickly ran upstairs to change into one of my nice dresses and pack an overnight bag. My heart was pounding in anticipation for what tonight would hold.


Fast forward three hours later, I did exactly what he said and checked in under the alias he'd given me. I hurried up to our room and opened up the door to our luxury suite, feeling completely overwhelmed with happiness.

Everything was beautiful. The room was covered in flowers and the tables were adorned with champagne on ice and a huge three-tiered chocolate cake.

On the bed laid a large white box with a shiny red bow. The tag read "open me," and I did just that.

I gasped when I saw the gorgeous lavender nightgown it held. The cool satin fabric was accented with white lace and had an intricate  floral pattern. I was in complete awe.

I raced to the bathroom to slip it on, then hopped onto the cozy cream-colored comforter to await my lover.


An hour had passed already and George still hadn't shown up. My excitement was dwindling, and I began to fear the worst. Maybe he wasn't going to show up?

Another hour passed and the disappointment really started to set in. I felt like an idiot for getting too riled up too soon, and even debated leaving the hotel.

"Fuck it, it's my birthday. Might as well enjoy this luxury while I can!"

I thought aloud, nestling myself into the comfortable sheets and eventually drifting off to sleep.


I heard the quiet creak of the door opening and shutting as I laid half asleep in the king sized bed. I could hear the shuffling of George's shoes being take off and his belt and watch being removed. I decided to stay where I was and pretend I was asleep, as I was still a bit angry with him for making me wait so long.

I felt the edge of the blanket lift up slightly and then the warmth of George's body next to me. He slid his leg over mine and pulled the sheets up to cover us. I felt his body move in closer, and his warm shaft slide against my bum through the thin nightie. At this point I couldn't help but let a lustful sigh escape. I'd been longing for this moment for a while.

George's hand slid underneath my arm and cupped my breast, gently massaging it through the fabric.

I felt the prickly friction of his mustache and stubble in the crook of my neck as he cuddled me, making me whimper softly. I began to wiggle my bum up against his hardening cock, an invitation for him to begin loving on me.

I rolled over to the other side to press my body against his, letting my breasts crush themselves against his chest. We embraced like this for a while and eventually began kissing romantically.

I could feel his thickened cock press against the mound of my pussy as we let our mouths get reacquainted. This was heaven, I'm sure of it.

"Happy birthday" George whispered into my mouth.

"My birthday was yesterday, you're late." I replied with a smile, pecking him between words. I couldn't possibly stay mad at him.

"I'm sorry, love. Had to take care of some thin-"

I cut him off with another passionate kiss, grinding myself against him and feeling more wet by the second. Tangled up beneath the waves of cotton sheets, we shared a tenderness we'd never shared before. It was like our souls were connecting along with our mouths.

His hard member was impossible to ignore as it stood straight up against my stomach. The warmth of it radiated onto my skin and set off fireworks deep inside of my bones.

Still locked together in a kiss, I raised my leg up and wrapped it around George, thrusting my hips forward to make my need more obvious to him. Without another word, George shifted his position slightly to find my soaking wet hole, then eased himself into it with one gentle push.

Together we began to make love leisurely, letting our bodies move in unison as our lips stayed glued to one another.

George's hand trailed up and down my back, tickling the skin gently as we continued to stay locked together in our passionate trance.

After a while of slow, romantic lovemaking George softly pushed me over to my back and crawled on top, burying himself deep between my thighs and kissing me even more feverishly. The rhythm of his thrusts were perfect, and I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders to keep his body flush against mine. My left hand trailed up to his hair, grabbing a fistful and pushing his head into the crook of my neck. He began sucking on my soft flesh and marking his territory, making me moan at the heavily erotic sensation.

This sex was powerful. I can't explain it, but we were connecting in a way that we never had before.

I slithered my legs around his body and tightened them to drive him deeper into me, making my inner walls pulse. I knew he could feel me getting closer because he began fucking me harder and faster, panting as his stamina begins to weaken and my walls begin to contract even more, tightening their grip on his deliciously massive member. I held onto him as tightly as humanly possible as every drop of pent up juices gushed onto him, making my entrance slick and numb.

I screamed his name as he continued to pound me, grabbing onto my hips to steady himself as he came to his own high, squirting his intoxicating ropes of cum into my quivering hot sex. The pleasure ripped through my body, and wave after wave of sheer ecstasy rushed through my limbs making me vibrate beneath him. He held onto me while we rode out our multiple orgasms, leaving his cock to soften within me as we came down from our highs.

Exhausted, George rolled over to the side gracefully and stayed completely still. I did the same, as I felt frozen from the intense pleasure.

My body ached in the most wonderful way as I eventually rolled back to my side to snuggle George and place small soft kisses on his sweaty chest.

We laid there breathlessly in each other's arms until we both faded out into a deep, satisfying sleep.

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