Part 13

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"I was completely off me rocker, Sadie. I shouldn't have gotten that drunk, and I'm really very sorry." John explains as if he's a little kid at the principals office.

George was next to me for support, rubbing the small of my back and shooting daggers at John the whole time.

"I forgive you, John. Honest. Let's all just forget that ever happened and enjoy our time together!" I proclaim. John smiles at me and we shake hands in truce.

"I agree, but Lennon if you touch her again I swear to G-" I cut George off by putting my finger on his lips, and he reluctantly stops talking.

There's a few minutes of uncomfortable silence before George finally breaks it.

"Well, Should we go out? Sadie hasn't seen anything New York has to offer yet, I'd love to show her a good time." He suggests.

"Certainly. There's a gear club just a few blocks from here!"

"Alright! Sadie, you okay with that?"


The idea sounded amazing, and I've really been anxious to see what the night life has to offer here.


When we got to the club it was absolutely maddening. There were people adorning every nook and cranny and you could barely get around the place. Thankfully John, George, and I were able to get a private booth in the back due to John being a regular.

Once settled, the boys and I chatted for a while mostly about their Beatle days. John really was interesting, and seeing he and George together was really fun. I rarely saw George let loose like this, so it was a treat to me. I truly was having a blast with them and finally felt like I could forget about everything that had happened the night before.

"Well I'm rather thirsty and this water ain't doin' the trick. Fancy a drink, you two?" John asks.

"Ah what the hell! Get me a double vodka on the rocks." George smiles.

"And for our lovely Sadie?"

"I Uh... I'm not twenty-one." I blush, disappointed in myself. In England I could drink because you only had to be eighteen, but here I wasn't allowed.

"Right. Well, I'll be back!"

John got up from his seat to go get some drinks so for the first time tonight it was just George and I. A bit of fear enters the back of my mind when I realized that we were in public and anyone could snap a photo, but George reassured me that everything should be fine.

"Three vodkas on the rocks!" John exclaimed, carrying a tray towards us.

"Three?" I ask with a puzzled grin.

"Yeah! Have at it, love!" John says.

I hesitate to pick up the glass, and John and George both giggle at me.

"No ones gonna card ye, it's fine!" John assures, George nods in agreement. I shrug and we all pick up our glasses.

"To New York City!" John yells over the music.

"To New York City!" George and I repeat, gulping down our vodkas. It tastes like gasoline and I hate it, but somehow I want more.


As the night progressed, the boys continued to drink. I was shocked at how high their tolerance was. I guess the rock n roll lifestyle will do that to you.

"Another drink, Sadie?" John asks.

It was still fairly early and I figured one more drink couldn't hurt, and I wasn't driving anyhow.

I'd already had two and I was feeling a proper buzz. I'd never been drunk before in my life, so I really didn't know what to expect or what it felt like. I just knew that right at this very moment I felt on top of the world.

George was by my side and John was next to him. We continued to have lots of fun and interesting conversations and in the midst of it I slowly got a bit more sloshed. I was now three drinks deep and feeling pretty lightheaded.

"I'm going to use the loo, you alright Darling?" George whispers in my ear. I sip the last bit of my vodka and nod, smiling at him as he got up to walk away.

"Y'know Sadie, yer a lot of fun!" John slurs.

His voice makes me giggle and I can't tell if its from the compliment or the alcohol.

"Why thank you, Johnny Boy!"

We both cackle uncontrollably for a few minutes before collecting ourselves and locking eyes. His looked like precious dark moons, and they glittered perfectly in the mood lighting of the bar.

"John you have pretty eyes!" I admit, noticing that my words are dragging just like his.

"No YOU have pretty eyes, love." He winks.

I don't know what possessed me but I decide to move closer to him, and we're now shoulder to shoulder. John places a hand on my thigh and I look up to stare into his eyes. Those perfect, beautiful eyes that were just like the ones from my dream

"Whattareya doin?" I slur as he begins to rub my leg sensually. Instead of stopping him, I inch myself closer to his face and plant a kiss on his lips.

I get lost for a few seconds, though as soon as I realize what I'm doing I back away, but it's too late. I look to my left and see George staring at us with a look of betrayal.

"I think I'm going to leave." George says before storming out of the bar.

I quickly jump up to follow him, nearly tripping because I can barely hold my balance. The room is spinning and my head is pounding but I have to reach George. I can't let him leave.

"George wait!" I scream, not even knowing if he hears me because of the loud music. I finally catch up to him and grab onto his arm with all of my strength.

"Get your hand off me!" He barks, snatching his arm away from my grasp.

"George, what you saw... it wasn't what it looked like, I swear!!!!" I yelp, tears swelling up my eyes and pouring out onto my flushed cheeks. We're on the sidewalk out in the open for all to see, but I could care less.

"Really? Cause it looked like you were gettin' really fucking comfortable with me mate!"

"George I-"

"Sadie, just go. Go fuck John, that's what ya want huh? You told me so on the plane!"

"That's not what I said and you know it!" I cry.

"Whatever. It was a mistake bringing you here." He yells at me, his voice filled with rage and disappointment.

I accept my defeat for a brief moment before deciding that I couldn't let it end this way.

"Oh so you can have a wife and baby on the side, but I can't have a quick snog with someone I fancy? Double standard George, real nice!" I bite back.

"Oh fuck you, you knew what you were getting into!" He screams.

"How dare you? You think I knew I'd fall in love with you? You think I enjoy being second best? Every day outside of my fucking window I see you with your family and I wish to God it was me on your arm. I hate being your mistress George, I fucking hate it! I want to be the one you come home to every night! I want to have your babies and share your bed! I want to be your wife!" I scream, falling to my knees on the harsh concrete.

George just stares at me, watching me drown myself in guilt and shame. All of my dreams feel as if they're shattering before my eyes and I can't take the pain.

"Do you really mean that?" He mutters softly after minutes of silence.

"More than you'll ever fucking know." I weep.

George walks over to me and crouches down to my level, and to my surprise kisses me on the top of my head.

"Marry me then." He whispers.

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