Part 3

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It had been a week since George kissed me in his car. The feeling and taste of his lips left a lasting impression on me, and all week long I hadn't been able to stop replaying the moment in my head.

We hadn't seen much of each other since that day, mostly by happenstance as he was busy caring for his son and recording. I had been spending my days working on little projects around the house for my parents, and had only seen George through the fence. We had exchanged some hellos, and engaged in a bit of small talk but hadn't yet discussed the incident that occurred between us.

The kiss brought up a multitude of confusing feelings within me. I have to keep reminding myself that he does have a family. I would never want to be a homewrecker, especially when the home I'd be wrecking is right next door.

All that to say, I cant deny that I've always had a thing for George. Kissing him was bewitching to my soft teenage heart, and I'm still reeling from it.

I happened to overhear a conversation between he and Olivia earlier today outside. She was going to be spending time with her girlfriends, and she'd be taking their son with her. I knew this was a perfect opportunity to clear the air with him and talk about us.


I made sure Olivia's car was gone when I headed over to George's house. My heart slammed against my chest as I knocked on his door. I peeked inside the window and watched him come towards it.

"Sadie! Hi!" He seemed a bit startled, but nevertheless happy and cordial. Typical George.

"What brings you by?" He asked, waving me into the house.

"Is anyone here?" I whisper, scoping the room from where I was standing.

"No, just us. What's the matter?" He seemed genuinely concerned.

"I wanted to talk about what happened in your car last week."

A blanket of silence covered the room.

"Right. Please, sit down." He says, ushering me to the large velvet sofa in the living room. I make myself comfortable and he sits down next to me.

"You know I've got a family, Sadie." He begins.

I feel my heart sink as I wonder what he will say next. What if Olivia found out about it? What if he never wants to see me again?

"But there's something about you. I just can't shake it." He seems deep in thought.

"Ever since that night in me car I've not been able to get me mind off of you." He touches me gently on my shoulder. I flinch a little, then loosen up.

I smiled meekly, feeling my cheeks redden as my eyes gravitate towards his.

"George, I have to be honest. Since my family moved in next door I've had a crush on you."

His eyebrows furrowed, and he scooted a tad bit closer to me.

"But I knew you were married, and I was never going to do anything to jeopardize that. Then when you kissed me..." I pause, unsure of how to articulate my scattered thoughts.

"When I kissed you...what?" He repeats, leaning his face into mine just like he'd done in the car.

"You made me feel things I've never felt before." I shyly admitted.

Before either of us said another word George grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me in for another kiss. It was much more desperate this time, almost as if he'd been waiting all week to do it.

I felt his tongue taste my bottom lip, running it across my soft flesh then slipping it into my mouth. I gasped, then moaned and began to twirl my tongue around his, letting them get acquainted and igniting a forbidden flame. I felt his hand cup my left breast and squeeze it, causing me to unlatch myself from him and cry out in pleasure.

"George." I moaned as he laid kisses on the crook of my neck.

"George what are we doing?" I ask.

"I don't know." He says, moving his experienced lips all around neck and face. I clutched onto the collar of his shirt and pulled his body down onto mine.

"Y...You're so hard." I pant, feeling his rock solid erection through his tight pants as he grinds me into the couch with vigor. He continued to massage my breasts through my thin blouse as I ran my hands across his shoulder blades.

"You are so fucking gorgeous, Sadie." He purred. a deep lust possessing his usually bright voice. His pupils seem much darker and wider as he stops to stare into my eyes.

"May I lead you to the bedroom?"

I nod my head yes, and he picks me up in one swift motion. I hitch my legs around his waist and attach my lips to his again while he carries me up the stairs. He tosses me on the unmade bed and removes my shirt and bra, revealing my small perky breasts. He licks his lips and takes a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it as he sucks. I clutch onto his thick curly hair, taking in handfuls as he ravishes me. I feel his hands trail up to my head and he brings me towards his lips for another heart-stopping kiss. Feeling bold, I slide one of my hands down to feel his bulge that now begged to be released.

"Would you like to see it?" He asks.

"Yes please."

He smiles and stands up to remove his clothing, and I bite my lip at the sight of his completely naked figure. He is slender, yet toned, and his penis is perfectly sized and ready for me. He lets me get a good look at him before crawling back onto the bed and removing what little clothes remain on my body.

"Sadie, you are such a minx." He growls, kissing and biting my thighs, just inches away from my heated sex.

"And you're already wet for me, aren't you?" He smirks, I nod and bite my bottom lip as he flicks his tongue up my slit.

"So sweet." He licks his lips and winks, then slowly makes his way back to my face. Every molecule in my body begins to tingle as the reality of the situation started to become very real to me.

George Harrison was going to make love to me.

And it would be my very first time.

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