Part 43

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The whole ride home George wore a smirk, gently digging his fingertips into my thighs as he drove.

I faced the window and tried my best to focus on the outside world because I knew staring at George would only accelerate my hunger. His touch wasn't helping either, and I could feel the heat rising within me as soon as we turned the corner to go home. My heart was thumping, my sticky need making itself obvious between my legs.

As the car came to a stop right in our driveway, my breathing suddenly halted in anticipation. I blinked hard and turned to look at George's face, then his lap, which was already hard as a rock in the middle.

"We're home, love." He whispered dangerously low as he turned off the car. I slipped out of my seat as smoothly as I could, but could feel my legs wobbling as I walked up to the door.

"Are you alright, Sadie?" George asked as he came up behind me, placing his large hand on the small of my back.

"Yeah. I just...I need you now." I murmured, my admission eliciting a cute giggle from George.

"Let's get inside then, shall we?"

He quickly unlocked the door and led me inside first, then closed the door and followed me into the living room. We stood in the middle of it for quite some time, looking into each others eyes with the love of soulmates. I smiled and blushed like a smitten teenager, then wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him into a hug.

I don't know how it happened, but before I knew it George's hands were on my waist and we were dancing, slow and sweet. He began humming softly and pulled me in tighter, holding me against his body with care. The closeness triggered many kicks from Daisy, who wouldn't let us forget about her presence as she danced right along with us in my womb.

"I feel you little girl." George cooed, speaking in his soft, fatherly voice to our daughter. "Daddy loves you."

I smiled as George buried his face in my shoulder, both of us still swaying away. "Daddy loves mummy too." He whispered against my skin, making me want to cry from the sheer joy of the moment.

Pulling away, George began kissing me softly and slowly, tasting me with every brush of his tongue. I ran my fingertips down the fabric on his back, nearly clawing at it as my need intensified by the second. George gasped and arched his back, breaking our kiss momentarily and making me whine at the loss. I pouted and watched as he backed away from me completely, reaching his hand out for mine to lead me to our bedroom.

Once we'd arrived both of us began ridding ourselves of our constricting clothing. I moaned at the sight of George's black boxers, which his protruding hipbones and throbbing erection barely held in place.

Staring at my eyes with darkened lust, he pushed them down to the floor, letting his cock rise to the occasion and slap against his abdomen.

"George..." I pleaded. "I need you. I need you now more than I ever have before. Please take me."

Needing no further instruction, George softly pushed me onto the bed and hovered over me. My legs dangled at the edge of the bed, but not for long as George grasped my thighs and wrapped them around his hips.

"I can stop at any point, my love. I promise I'll be gentle."

As soon as those words left his lips flashbacks of the day I lost my virginity crept into my mind. It might hurt a little, but I promise I'll be gentle with you.

Little did I know that that day would change my life forever. Little did I know that in the future I'd be here wearing George's ring, carrying his daughter, and starting my very own life with him. I had never felt more grateful.

My heart fluttered as I blissfully walked down memory lane, until my dreaming was broken by George rubbing the head of his member along my lips. I smiled and felt the tears forming in my eyes as I looked up at him with pure passionate desire.

"I love you so much." I breathed out tenderly. Though I'd said those words far too many times before, they seemed to be a bit stronger now.

"I love you too, darling." George replied just as sincerely.

"Please." I begged quietly. He chuckled gave me a knowing look, then pushed in gently, encasing only the tip of himself inside of me at first. I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes as he pulled out slowly, only to push back in again- coating his cock with more juices with every stroke.

"Oh George..." I groaned, clutching tightly onto the sheets beneath me as his thrusts became more regular, more vigorous. His face was glistening, beads of sweat dripping off of his thick brows. It was a gorgeous scene.

As for me, I felt as if I were a virgin again. I could feel every vein and every artery in his cock throb against my tight walls as he caressed them with care, stretching me with every thrust.

"Oh you feel incredible...oh baby... I don't think I'll last long." George's words oozed lust as he sped up his pounding, his thrusts becoming so hard that my cervix began to ache. I could feel myself tightening down, and I knew I was only seconds away from my own climax as well.

"Come on baby." George seethed, his voice barely recognizable as he worked my pussy straight to it's breaking point. His thrusts were becoming shorter, his body weakening along with my own as we both began to shiver and tremble.

"George!" I screamed, shuddering as pure ecstasy raided my body. George panted heavily and pushed his cock inside one last time, as deep as it possibly could go. His entire body shook as he filled me with thick, hot cum which triggered my own release.

Once we regained our breaths George slid out of me, bringing along a stream of juices with him. I looked up at him lovingly, and noticed that his face suddenly had a very fearful expression.

"George?" I panicked, raising up slightly- which triggered more liquid to flow out of me.

"Sadie... I think your water just broke."

"What!" I quickly got up and sure enough, the entire bed was soaked with a clear substance. I began to cry and have a meltdown, while George remained surprisingly calm.

"It's alright, love. Everything's alright." George assured as he helped me up to my feet, causing even more fluid to run down my legs.

Not wanting to leave my side to get a towel, George swiped the bedsheet off of the bed and cleaned me up, then grabbed our hospital bags and took them to the car.

When he returned he scooped me up into his arms and carried me to the car where he sat me down gently into my seat.

"Looks like we're having a baby tonight!" George beamed as he started the engine.


Daisy is on her way! Who's ready for her big debut? 🥰

I sincerely apologize if this was a bit underwhelming, I've been swamped with work and haven't had much motivation. As always, I love you all SO much! Thank you for the support! 💕❤️

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