Part 33

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"Pregnant?" George widens his eyes and looks to my stomach, which my hand was instinctively cradling. "Are you serious?"

I nodded sheepishly and sat back down. John sat beside me, looking extremely impatient.

"When did you find out?" He asked, his tone of voice so quiet it's nearly a whisper.

"I found out the other day. I came back as quickly as I could to tell you." I replied softly.

George was visibly reeling, rubbing his chin with his thumb as he thought carefully about the information he'd just received.

"John could you please give us a minute." He muttered, never once looking up from my stomach.

"Sadie, are ye gonna be okay?" John whispered in my ear. I nodded and he patted my shoulder reassuringly before rising up from his chair. I watched as he walked away with our bags trailing behind him.

"Please say something." I said to George as he sat there still in shock.

"How far along?" He asked.

"About three months."

"How do I know you're not just making this up?" He hissed out of nowhere.

Feeling like I couldn't explain myself properly, I slipped my hand into my purse and pulled out the sonogram picture. I slid it across the table and George took it between his fingers.

"Oh my God." His eyes grew as he stared at it, his expression turning from anger to fear. "That's... inside of you?" Right now?"

"Yes." I chuckled half-heartedly.

"Can you feel it?" He asked.

"A little, I suppose. I've not felt it kick yet."

"Wow." He just kept looking at the photo as if it were some intricate blueprint. His eyes would grow wide, then go back to normal, and every so often he'd crack a smile.

"May I... touch it?" He asked quietly as he set the sonogram down on the table.

"Of course." I replied.

I rose up out of my seat and George stood up too, his legs seemingly wobbly. Reaching his arms out, he placed both of his palms on my tummy. As soon as the contact was made he began to cry hysterically, his lower lip quivering as he tried his best to speak.

"Sadie... I can't believe it." He mumbled through his tears, pressing down a bit harder on my stomach. It must've somehow triggered something and I immediately felt a small push on the inside.

"What's happened?" George panicked, removing his hands from my belly as if it he'd done something wrong. I smiled and grabbed him by the wrist, placing his hand on me once again.

"The baby kicked, George! It kicked!" I was just as in shock as he was.

"What?" He uttered in disbelief.

"Do it again, love." He spoke to my tummy, pressing his hand down just as he did before. Sure enough, the baby moved against his palm once more. "That's it, love. Oh goodness, hello!" He cried, kneeling down so his face was level with my stomach. "Kick for your daddy."

I closed my eyes and bit my lip, suddenly realizing that he hadn't put the two and two together that the baby may not be his. I began to cry softly, wondering how I could possibly break the news to George.

Several seconds later he rose to his feet and took me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled his scent, feeling at home for the first time in a while. It was as if every worry I had disappeared in the embrace of my one true love. We stayed together for ages, our tears soaking up each other's shoulders until our crying slowly began to lighten up.

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