Part 2

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The springtime had flown by and summer was upon us, which meant I was finally able to relax.

My parents continued to work tirelessly, leaving me home by myself most of the days. I rather enjoyed being alone, as it gave me time to do things I actually enjoyed.

Typically I'd lose myself in a book, or catch up on the news, but today I decided I'd go for a run. Since school got out I'd been pretty lazy, so I figured some exercise would do me good.


I run a few laps around the block, already sweating from the smoldering heat. I stop to take a break on the sidewalk, giving myself a chance to catch my breath. I suddenly remember why I never exercise.

"You alright, Sadie?"

George chimed from behind me, driving slowly in one of his fancy cars. I hadn't even noticed him on the road, and when he spoke it made me jump.

"Fine... thanks..." I reply breathily, clutching onto the fabric on my chest.

"It's far too hot for you to be running, come in me car. I'll give you a ride home." He offered.

"It's okay, really. I don't have far to go. I'll just walk."

"No, no- Get in the car, love. You look knackered."

His insistence made me smile, and I jogged over to the passenger side of his car. I was immediately hit with the cold air conditioner, and it felt incredible against my hot skin. I dropped my water bottle in the cup holder and closed my eyes, letting the cool air heal me as George began to drive.

"So you enjoy running?" He breaks the silence, turning to face me with his full attention.

"It's alright. I've not done it in a while, so I'm a bit rusty." I laugh.

I stared at him as he focused on the road, admiring his facial features. George's face was like a fine painting, the more you stared the more you discovered. I found him so very fascinating, but also a little terrifying. A man of his status had so much power, and I couldn't fathom why he would be so nice to someone like me. I began to wiggle around in the comfy seat, feeling a bit restless at the thoughts that ran through my head. He must've been able to tell.

"Are you alright, Sadie? You seem to be awfully timid around me." He asks.

"You kinda scare me, George." I admit, following my statement with a giggle so he doesn't become offended.

"Why is that?"

I take a second to think.

"I mean, you're an ex-Beatle. Being around you is incredibly intimidating. You must realize that, right?"

He smirks slightly at my comment, and reaches an arm over to touch my exposed thigh ever so gently. I'm a bit confused by the gesture, but his large rough hard somehow makes me feel more relaxed.

"You know there's nothing to be afraid of, Sadie. I used to be a lot like you." He laughs. I flash him a puzzled grin wishing he would elaborate, but I can see out of the window that we're already at my house.

"Mind if we drive around a bit more? I'd love to hear what you have to say." I ask boldly, feeling anxious as I await an answer. He takes a while to reply.

"Ah, fuck it." He says with a slight grin, then presses his foot on the gas. I sigh in relief.

A few minutes go by and he finally starts to pick up where he left off.

"I was very nervous when I was your age."

"Yeah, sure." I giggle.

"Honest! I always felt intimidated by those above me, especially people who were older and more experienced than I was."

I begin to feel more comfortable as he opens up to me.

"But I eventually realized that everyone is equal. You can't assume that I'm some big scary monster just because I'm famous. I'm actually quite harmless." He laughs.

He was making a good point. George was incredibly humble, and I had no reason to fear him whatsoever. Hell, he was nicer to me than my own parents, and certainly more down to earth. Up until today we'd only ever had small talk, so getting to know George on a more personal level really piqued my interest.

"I apologize for misjudging you, George." I say softly, placing my hand on top of his, which was still planted firmly on my thigh.

"It's quite alright!"

We talked for a while, mostly about my childhood, and our mutual interests. He told me about his garden, and the pool he was putting in his backyard, and how when it was done I should join him for a swim. It honestly felt as if we were kindred spirits.

Eventually we noticed that the sky had become a darker shade of blue, a sobering reminder that dusk was approaching. Once again we'd reached my house, and this time I had to go in.

"Drained all me petrol." George smiles as he reads the dashboard, then turns his gaze back to me.

"Sorry about that!" I laugh.

"Not a problem. It was worth it. You were worth it."

I blush, looking into his deep brown eyes with pure admiration. He turns to his side and leans into me, gently pressing his lips on mine. My eyes remain open at first, feeling a bit shocked and confused, though It takes only a few seconds for me to melt and kiss him back. It was magical.

"Goodbye, Sadie. Thank you for a lovely drive."

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