Part 14

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"George that's ridiculous." I look up to him with bloodshot eyes, feeling myself sober up very quickly as things began to get serious.

"Is it? That's what you want, isn't it? To be my wife?"

I rubbed my eyes so hard I could see stars, I almost wanted to pinch myself because I thought for sure I was in a dream.

"You're already married, George!" I remind him.

"I don't have to be."

My world is spinning. I don't even know how to handle the words coming out of his mouth. I stand up with him, steadying myself against a parking meter so I don't fall over.

"What do you even mean? George, you sound mad!" I truly don't know where he's going with this.

"I think you know what I mean. It terrifies me how much I love you, Sadie." He begins.

"When you and I first met I thought you were so incredibly beautiful. I'd never seen a bird like you before. I hoped that maybe we'd have a shag someday and I'd get me fill. Then we kissed in me car and after that I couldn't get you off me mind no matter how hard I tried. I fell for you hard. I fell for your smile, your laugh."

I giggle and wipe away my tears.

"That laugh right there. It's me favorite. I love how excited you get in the little things, and how you don't care who I am or what I have. You love me for me, and I can't say I've ever had that before."

I crack a smile and look into his eyes to see the sincerity in them. His guard is completely down and the butterflies I feel in my heart threaten to break free. Just five minutes ago we were yelling in rage and now he's professing his love to me. It's as if I'm hallucinating or something.

"When I saw you kiss John I realized that I don't want another man kissing you ever again. I know I had no right to get jealous given the position I've put you in, but me heart couldn't handle it. I want you all to myself."

"George, what are you saying?" I ask.

"I'm saying I think it's time." He mutters.

"Time for what?" I'm confused.

He reaches his hands out we lace our fingers together tightly.

"I want to get a divorce. I want to start me life with you. You're the one. It's always been you."

I don't fully grasp the reality of the situation, and I'm still slightly drunk. Is George really saying what I think he's saying or am I imagining it?

"George... you have a baby. And Olivia...."

"Sadie, Dhani adores you and Olivia and I... we're just not working anymore. Before you I hadn't had a good shag in months. We're so lost in the mundane, she and I. We have dinner, we go to bed, we have breakfast, we do our work, and then it's back round again doing the same old thing. You brought fire into me life, Sadie. You reminded me who I really am."

I begin to cry again, and I'm a blubbering mess before him. My mascara is drizzled all across my flushed cheeks and my nose is as red as beets. I feel like death and I look my worst yet here is the man I love telling me he wants to spend his life with me. I can't believe this is all happening. I'm scared shitless but I'm also elated. All I want is to be his, and my dream was coming true.

"Sadie, please say something." I realize that I hadn't spoken in a few minutes as my mind had been racing.

"George I love you." I mutter softly, attaching my lips to his.

Our kiss tasted salty from the mix of both of our tears, and when I pulled away I noticed the black of my mascara on George's cheeks. I wipe it off with my thumb and show him, and we both laugh.

"I love you more."

He slowly gets down on the ground with one knee up. I place my hands on my mouth and gasp into them.

"Sadie Katherine Brooks, I know I don't deserve your hand but I want it more than anything. I'm a complete loser who still has a wife he needs to divorce and a child, and I also don't have a ring yet, but will you marry me anyway?"

I giggle as I stare down at his smiling face, eyes filled to the brim with tears.

"Yes!" I exclaim.

"Yes I will!"
The car ride back to the hotel was excruciating. All we wanted to do was celebrate our new chapter, but the New York City traffic was atrocious.

As soon as we were in the safety of our room we began to kiss passionately against the door. We staggered around the room attached by the lips until we finally found the bed. I fall onto it, bringing George with me by grasping onto his shirt collar.

"Oh Georgie!" I yelp as he grinds his hips into me, massaging my already soaked and throbbing pussy with his erection through my thin blue romper.

We undress quickly, and George lays on top of me once again, aligning his rock hard cock at my entrance. In one thrust he slides into me effortlessly, plunging his substantial member in and out of me like a maniac.

"Oh Sadie, so bloody wet for your George" He groans into my mouth.

My George. My everything.

We continue to kiss as I hold on tightly to his broad shoulders, already feeling like I could cum. The passion of our shag is completely overwhelming, and it feels as if we're both having sex for the first time.

There was a freedom and a remorseless desire that came with knowing eventually we would be able to live our lives together without hiding. Someday soon George would be all mine, and I could make sweet, wild love to him whenever I pleased.

As all my dreams soared to the forefront of my mind, the lust began to overtake every nerve in me and I scream his name into the world.

"I love you so much George! Tell me I'm yours!" I moan as be pumps into me with even greater force as he nears his ending.

"You're all mine, Sadie. All mine." He pants into my neck, leaving hickies behind wherever he breathes. Rope after rope of thick hot cum shot up into me as George came to his high. I bucked my hips against him and let every bit of it spill onto my walls as I squealed with pleasure.

His legs were quivering fiercely as his body fell onto mine, remaining inside of me as his cock became flaccid. His lips gently sucked on the skin of my neck as we rode out the final waves of our orgasms together.

"This is a dream come true, George." I simper.

"This is only the beginning, me beautiful girl."

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