Part 4

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"George..." I moan softly as his lips graze the sensitive skin underneath my chin. He ignores me at first until I say his name a little louder, causing him to jolt up.

"Are you alright, Sadie?"

I stare at him awkwardly for a few seconds before mustering up the courage to speak.

"Yes. Fine. I've just... I've never had sex before." I blurt out, feeling extremely self-conscious of my predicament. I hoped he wasn't angry that I'd waited until right now to tell him.

He widens his eyes in disbelief, unsure of what to do next as he stares at my body with a confused look written across his face. I tense up and feel my heart begin to sink as I await some sort of answer from him.

"Oh, love. I had no idea. Do you want to stop? It's quite alright, I don't want you to be embarras-" I silence him with a kiss, hoping it'll help him read my mind.

"I want you to be my first." I quietly speak into his mouth, and he responds with a delicate peck.

"Are you sure?" He asks in an borderline parental way, reading my face for any sort of hesitation.

"Yes."  I'm nervous, but also firm in my choice. I need George to take my virginity.

"It might hurt a little, but I promise I'll be gentle with you."

His words were reassuring and helped me to become more relaxed, though I still felt very timid for what was to come.

"What if I bleed?" I ask.

"Love, this is your moment, I don't want you to worry about a thing."

I smile as his face sinks down into mine, locking our tongues together in a passionate makeout session. After a few minutes of lustful kissing, he separates our lips.

"Are you sure you're ready?"

"Mmhmm" I sigh.

He kisses me one more time before parting my folds with the tip of his cock and entering me slowly. My jaw drops, releasing a small groan from the pain of him stretching me. A teardrop descends down my cheek at the same time.

"Shhhhhh... relax, I've got you. You're safe, Sadie."

He gave me an encouraging smile and kissed my forehead, inching a bit more of himself into me. I moaned softly, clutching onto the skin of his back as I tried to power through the pain. I studied him as he continued his thrust, feeling blissfully distracted by his handsome face. His eyes stayed glued to mine, and his hands gently massaged the top of my head making me feel secure as I surrendered my body to him.

"You're doing so good Darling. I'm going to push myself deeper into you... are you ready?"

"Y...yes." I whisper-moan, bracing myself for even more incoming pain. He smiles, and attaches his lips to mine before entering his full length into me. He exits me slowly, and then pushes back in- getting just a little faster every time yet still remaining gentle.

"You're so tight, my love." He moans into my mouth.

"That's good Right?" I say naively. George lets out a small chuckle.

"Very good." He grins.

Once I start to feel myself accommodate him, the pleasure begins to take over. The pain turns into a tingling sensation I can barely put into words. I don't know what this feeling is, I just know I never want it to stop.

George's arms were wrapped tightly around me as we continued to make love slowly. Every once in a while he would break our embrace to cup my cheeks with his hands and kiss me deeply, another reassuring gesture to calm my raging nerves. He was so kind and considerate, and worthy of being my first love.

I began to notice his cock pulsing against my tight walls, making me feel as if I was stretching out even more. I winced at the agitation.

"I'm going to cum soon" he says very directly with a lustful undertone.

"Are you okay with me cumming inside of you?"

I nod my head yes, unable to say anything due to an overwhelming sensation taking over my insides. My whole body feels as if it's on fire, shaking more erratically with every thrust. I feel a delicious burn surging towards my pelvic area, and I let it flow as I tighten my grip on George. I'm unable to contain the moans and obscenities that are coming out of my mouth as these unfamiliar feelings intensify.

"That's it Sadie, come undone for me." His words make the budding rush within me elevate even more, and I begin to melt beneath him.

"Oh your cum feels so good, Sadie. So fucking good on my cock."

As my juices, and probably a bit of blood pour onto him I feel a warmth inside that stings in a tantalizing way.

"Saaaaadieeeee" He pants, thrusting lazily a few more times before stopping entirely. He collapses onto me, and holds me tight, leaning up to plant wet kisses on my lips, cheeks, and forehead.

"Are you alright, my love?" He asks, running his fingers through my long brown hair while still remaining inside of me.

"Never been better." I reply breathlessly, smiling at him with my rosy flushed cheeks.

"You were incredible, Sadie." He kisses my lips softly, and slowly inches himself out of me. It feels surprisingly odd, and I gasp at the removal.

"I feel empty without you." I giggle.

"You won't be feeling empty for long." He winks, crawling back on top of the bed to hold me firmly in his arms. I take a large whiff of his scent as I rest my head on his chest, savoring the intoxicating smell.

"Thank you George." I say, feeling tears well up in my eyes. He must have felt the dampness on his chest as he wiped my cheek with his thumb.

"Sorry" I laugh and cry at the same time.

"Don't apologize, Sadie. This is a big moment for you. Let the emotions flow." He kisses the top of my head and brushes my hair with his long fingers. I prop myself up to look at him, and lean over to kiss his lips.

I crawl on top of his bare body and begin to grind him slowly, feeling turned on again with our skin to skin contact.

"Easy, love. You need to rest." He laughs. He was right, I shouldn't push myself so soon.

I fall onto him, resting my head in the crook of his neck as he draws circles on my back.

"I could stay like this forever." I say. He moans in agreement as we lay comfortably in each other's arms, until a sobering voice calls from the foyer.

"George, I'm home!"

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