Part 10

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"We're here, Love!" George taps my shoulder and whispers sweetly, waking me up from my sleep.

"Wow! How long was I out?" I ask, wiping a bit of drool off my face with my thumb.

"Oh just the entire flight!" He laughs.

I giggle and unfasten my seatbelt, then get out up from my seat to follow George to the front of the plane.

We go down the stairs and enter a white car with tinted windows, then begin to drive off to our destination.

"Wow, New York is extraordinary!" I exclaimed, staring out of the window to take it all in.

"For a city, yeah. There's a lot to see!" George smiles, reaching his hand over to hold mine.

"How far is our hotel?" I ask.

"Not very far. Should be there in a few minutes!"

I shiver in excitement and continue to look at all of the large buildings. For the first time, George and I were free, and it felt incredible.


We checked into our hotel and were already settled in our room. George had to make a couple of calls so I waited patiently for him in bed. I stared at the chandelier on the ceiling and listened to him talk in the other room. I couldn't hear much of what he was saying, but I figured he must be talking to one of his mates.

I decided to walk over to the bathroom where George was on the phone. I smiled at him, and he blew me a kiss and winked. I crossed my arms and stood in the doorway as he finished his call.

"Alright. See you then!" He said, hanging up the phone and immediately coming over to give me attention.

"That was John. He and Ringo will be stopping by for a visit later today." He says, burying his face in my neck, peppering small kisses on my shoulder. I respond by reaching my hands around his back and grabbing his hair.

"Mmmmm... sounds lovely." I moan. My cheeks were getting heated, and my eyes were beginning to roll to the back of my head as George's mouth traveled around my neck and face.

"Until then, you're all mine Sadie." He growled, placing a kiss on my lips and entering his tongue in. We made out against the bathroom wall for several minutes, letting our mouths get reacquainted before George took me by the arm and spun me around so my breasts were up against the wall. I began to moan as I heard the unbuckling of his belt, and I slipped my clothes off in response.

As I wait for him with my hands against the cold wall, I feel his cock glide gently up the slit of my ass. He does this for a few minutes, and the tickling sensation from it is extremely pleasing.

After the teasing he guides his warm tip up to my entrance which is dripping in anticipation. I squeak as he enters me, stuffing my wet hole with his perfect member from behind.

The front of my body slams against the wall repeatedly as he fucks me with rhythmic thrusts, trailing kisses down my arched back and driving me insane. I screech with every pump of his cock, feeling it hit all the right spots inside of me. Every time he shoves himself back into me I feel like I could explode into a pile of glitter. My insides were blooming like a field of wildflowers and my skin felt like it was on fire. All I could focus on and feel were the ridges of George's thick cock ramming into me with intense stamina.

"Fuck, George!" I scream as my toes begin to curl and my body starts to weaken. George takes this as an invitation to drive himself into me deeper, faster, and even more violently than before. We needed each other ravenously, and had to get this aggression out of our system.

I felt my breath become more irregular and my pussy began to pulse and twitch around him, a sure sign that I could cum at any moment. Not even a second later his cock was drenched with my juices, and they sloshed every time he reentered me. He was still fucking me, but a bit slower now as it was almost time for him to erupt into me like a volcano. This was my favorite thing, being filled to the brim with his sweet cum.

After his release George slithered out of my sex and leaned against me. His sweaty chest against my back felt hot and wonderful, and he began to place kisses on my shoulders and the backside of my neck. His flaccid member lay gently on the top of my ass before he walked away to clean up. I sink to the ground, weathered from the beating my pussy had just gotten.

"We should have a shower!" George suggests. I nod in agreement, and we both head to the shower.


A knock on the door breaks George and I out of one of our many snog sessions of the day, and he reluctantly leaves my embrace to answer it.

I wait by the window, feeling both terrified and exhilarated. George was going to introduce me to his friends, and it felt like a huge step in our relationship. I turned around when I heard voices, and my jaw dropped when my eyes met John Lennon's for the first time.

I quickly composed myself, smoothing out the fabric of my purple frock and fluffing my hair up to look presentable. I cleared my throat and tried to act cool, stepping over to where he and George were standing.

"Who's this little darling?" John sneers, scanning my body up and down.

"That's me assistant, Sadie Brooks!"

He immediately turns to George as if he doesn't believe a word he's saying.

"Assistant, eh? So how long have ye been fucking George?"

My breath hitches in my throat and my heartbeat stops entirely. I didn't know what to say, so I looked to George who looked at me with the same confused gaze. We certainly weren't helping John's suspicion.

"Sod off, Lennon!" George replies, swatting John on the back of the head.

John only smiles, extending his arm out to shake mine. His handshake is very firm.

"Lovely to meet ye, Sadie. I'm just being cheeky." He says, and I calm down a bit.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Lennon!" I say cheerfully, locking my eyes on his without even realizing it.
He winks at me playfully. George notices this and stares down at his feet annoyed.

"So if she's just yer assistant that means I can have a go at her, yeah? Pretty young thing she is." He smiles my way.

"That's enough, John. Leave Sadie alone!" George laughs as if he's joking but I know he's dead serious. He tugs on John's arm to signal that it's time to stop talking to me.

"Just a minute, Harrison." John says, pulling his arm away from George.

John moves closer to me, just inches away from my lips, and reaches into his coat pocket. Without saying another word he pecks my cheek, then slips his business card into the parting of my cleavage. I gasp, but it comes out as more of a moan- as John begins to walk away.

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