Part 17

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I couldn't sleep a wink. All I could think about was George and how he had ripped my entire life to shreds.

I laid there and thought about what a disaster this trip had been, and I wondered what would have happened if I'd just stayed home.Would he have come back from New York the same George I knew and would we still be together? I guess I'll never know. All I know is I feel like the biggest loser on the planet.

I tossed and turned, trying my best to get comfortable but it was no use. Forcing myself to lay in bed just made my anxiety worse.

After a long battle I finally sat up on the edge of the bed and stared out of the small window, taking in the night sky. It was serene, but also dark and painful.

"My God, what is wrong with me!" I think aloud as I begin to weep for the umpteenth time today.

"Absolutely nothing" I turn around and see John's tall figure standing in the shadows. I quickly pat my face dry to try and look decent for him.

"H-how long have you been standing there?" I stutter.

"Just had to take a wee and heard ye, wanted to make sure ye were alright." He smiles. "I can go, I'm sorry."

"No." I insist. "Please stay."

John walked towards the bed and sat down next to me, placing his hand on my shoulder and pulling me into his chest.

"I love him, John." I cry, and he holds me even tighter.

"I know, Sadie. Shhhh, it's okay."

I took a deep breath and nestled myself into his robe. He smelled like clean linen and cigarettes, and it was somehow comforting.

"How could I be so bloody stupid, John? George is married- happily! How could I actually believe he would end up with me?"

"Sadie, you've got your whole life ahead of ye. Ye think that yer life revolves around George but it doesn't. You'll be alright, I promise."

I wiggle out of his tight embrace and sit beside him, shifting my gaze upwards to look into his eyes. I noticed how deep they were, and within them I actually felt peace.

"Thanks John."

Without saying a single word he moves his hands to my cheeks, gripping them softly and looking into my eyes. Our lips meet for a soft, tender kiss. It's a short one, but it's enough to ignite a dangerous flame.

"There is nothing wrong with you."

A strange mix of feelings welled up inside of me as I returned my focus to John's eyes. They were big and brown and laced with desire, and I got lost in them far too easily.

His appearance became more captivating to me the longer I stared. He had the faintest wrinkles around his mouth that were cleverly hidden by his scruff. I wondered how they got there and what stories might be behind them.

"John, you shouldn't be so nice to me." I whisper.

"Darling, you've done nothing wrong. Ye deserve to be treated with kindness."

But I have done something wrong. I slept with a man I knew I couldn't have and fell in love with him. If I hadn't been such a fool I wouldn't even be in this situation. I'd still be awkward little Sadie going to school and bitching about her parents. Oh, how lovely it sounded to go back to my old, simple life.

"We all make mistakes, Sadie. Ye just gotta move forward the best ye can."

I smiled, then yawned into my hand. It was very late and I finally felt the exhaustion catch up to me.

"I'll let ye rest, love. Ye need it."


I stumbled into the kitchen early the next morning to find John cooking breakfast. He didn't notice me at first so I stood in silence and watched him. He was tall and lanky but he moved so gracefully. He looked adorably flustered, and I could tell that cooking wasn't one of his many talents.

"Oh! Good morning!" He seems startled. I laugh and sit down at one of the barstools to watch him.

"Good morning, John!" I smile.

"Hope you like scrambled eggs, it's about all I know how to make!"

"I love scrambled eggs! You know you don't have to cook for me..."

"I want to!" He beams, twirling around his kitchen to the soft music in the background. The song eventually ends and a new one starts.

"Oh my... Elvis!" I jolt up in excitement, feeling suddenly alive with the sound of music. The song is "Cant Help Falling in Love" and it's one of my all time favorites.

"You're a fan?" He seems surprised.

"Am I ever!" I grin as I hum to the tune. I close my eyes and let it consume me, realizing in that moment how healing music can be.

I reopen them and find that John is staring at me completely amused.

"Wanna dance?" I ask.


He sets down his spatula and turns off the stove, then walks over and pulls my body close to his. He laces our fingers and together we sway back and forth.

He takes his free right hand and trickles his fingers down the length of my spine through his oversized t-shirt I slept in. I shiver at his touch, emitting a breathy sigh.

I feel content for the very first time this week, being held in John's arms and dancing to a familiar song.

"You have such beautiful eyes." John whispers.

John moves his hands to the small of my back, almost down to my bum. Butterflies flutter around in my stomach, making me feel both nervous and exhilarated.

He lowers his head and kisses me, slowly and passionately. The warmth of his lips is such a sensual feeling and I want to get lost in it forever.

Our bodies continue dancing in synchronicity as his lips stay locked with mine, his hands getting a little bolder and trailing over the outline of my curves. His touch is so gentle and healing, and I begin to touch him back.

I glide my hands along the front of his chest until they hit the tie of his silk robe. Taking in a deep breath, I begin to untie it and it slips off effortlessly, melting onto the ground to reveal his beautifully toned body. I touch his chest again, and moan at the sensation of the heat his bare skin radiates onto my fingers.

As our kiss deepens John slowly lifts my shirt off over my head and tosses it to the side. My breasts are flush against his chest and we melt into each other completely, finally allowing ourselves to experience what we've both longed for.

Just as our lustful eyes meet once again a knock on the door breaks us out of our trance.

"Sadie! Are you in there?"



OKAY GUYS SO a lot of you are probably wondering about Yoko. She doesn't exist in this story because I hate her 🤷‍♀️

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