Part 26

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"And Olivia was right there?" John asked, taking another drag of the joint we were sharing and blowing smoke rings into the night sky.

"Olivia? The whole fucking NEIGHBORHOOD was right there!" I laughed, coughing from the fumes that penetrated my lungs.

"Jesus fuck, Sadie." He giggles. "Ye must've been mortified."

"Oh you have no idea. I fainted you know!" I slur, the three beers I'd guzzled down finally hitting my bloodstream.

John spits his drink out in laughter.

"And that's when prince Harrison charming came to your rescue, I'm guessing?"

"It's not funny, John!"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry."

"But yes, that's when he told me that it was over and he wanted me. Fucking mess, I tell ya." I said, crushing the butt of my joint in the ashtray between us.

A long silence took over as John and I finished up our drinks. The weather was perfect and so was the view, all of the tall buildings were illuminated ethereally by the moonlight. There was something so serene about the city noises. Hearing the cars roar by and people conversing away in the distance made me feel alive again.

"John am I a coward for running away?" I asked as I stared at the stars.

"Ha! Maybe, but don't worry about it. I run from me problems all the time." He assured, chuckling lightly.

"You're such a dork." I smiled. "But seriously...thanks for bailing me out."

"When I told you I'd fly you out here anytime, I meant it."

I turned to my side to look into his eyes. They were dark and mysterious, but oddly comforting. I sucked in a deep breath and began to reminisce about the hours leading up to this moment.

1 day earlier

"Alright Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, I'm afraid visiting hours are over." The nurse said, pointing up to the clock that ticked away on the wall.

"Sweetheart, dad and I will be back here first thing in the morning to come see you. Dr. Roberts said they should be releasing you around 10:30." Mum said as she refilled my jug of water.

"Is there anything else you need?" Dad asked.

"No. Thank you daddy. I love you."

My dad almost looked like he could cry as he leaned over to kiss the top of my head.

"Love you too, Sadie."

"As do I, honey." My mother said.

I smiled at the both of them and watched as they began to walk out.

"Mum! Wait!" I yelped, stopping her dead in her tracks.

"Would you please hand me my purse?"

She cracked a half smile and picked up my bag from one of the shelves then handed it to me in bed.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Bye, Sadie. See you tomorrow."

And with that my parents were off. As soon as the door shut I began shuffling through my purse, desperately trying to find my wallet. When I couldn't get to it fast enough I dumped the entire contents of my bag onto the bed and finally spotted it. I opened it up and traced my fingers along the cards until I found the one I was looking for.

"Thank God." I mumble under my breath as I reach for the phone on my bedside table. I punch the numbers as quickly as possible, feeling my heartbeat thump in perfect tune with the dial tone.

"Hello?" A voice on the other end answered. It was rough and gravelly and I suddenly remembered the time difference.

"John?" I say softly.

"Sadie? Are ye alright?" he asks sleepily, on his end I can hear a lamp flick on and blankets crinkling.

"I-I don't know." I reply shakily.

"Is it George? What ha-"

"John can I fly to New York and come see you?" I finally ask, shutting my eyes hard and biting my tongue as I await an answer.

"I...uh...Sure...I guess? When were ye thinking?" He asked.


"Shit. Okay... do ye have the money?"

"I have just enough in my savings right now to get the ticket."

"Mind telling me what's going on?"

"John, it's too hard to explain over the phone. I just need to get the fuck out of here."

"Alright understood. Call me from the airport I guess and I'll come get ye?"

"I'll keep in touch."

"See ye soon."

I slapped the phone back on the hook and got to work ripping the blood pressure cuff off of my arm. I then slipped off my gown and put on the outfit from the Christmas party and walked out to the nurses station to discharge myself.

"Hi, I'd like to sign myself out." I say to the nurse at the desk.

She looks at me with a perplexing frown.

"What's your name?" She asks.

"Sadie Brooks."

She begins flipping through files until she comes across mine, taking her sweet time examining it. I glance over to the clock on the wall and tap my foot furiously on the ground. She lets out a few sighs as she reads my papers carefully.

"Today please!" I shout impatiently with a childish grunt.

"Ms. Brooks, we typically advise against patients discharging themselves. I really think your doctor should look over this before you leave."

"I don't have time for that. I need to leave now!"

"It says here you have a concussion, and there are still a few tests that the doctor needs to run. I really don't think it's a good idea to-"

Before she finishes I make the decision to walk out of the hospital by myself, no longer giving a shit about any technicalities. I hail a taxi and count the pounds in my wallet. It's just enough to pay the driver and get to the airport.

Present day

"Do ye need a blanket, Sadie?" John asks as he watches me curl up into a ball in his patio chair.

"No, I like the cold." It was true. I'd rather be chilled than overheated.


I was exhausted and my head still hurt like crazy. My stomach was aching, and I almost felt like I could throw up at times. I knew I wasn't fully healed but I could relax a whole lot more here than at home with my parents. There was no way I could go back to my house after everything that went down next door.

"Can I get ye anything?" John smiled.

"I'm good, John. You don't have to baby me." I laugh.

"I know, I just care about ye. Plus you have that nasty bruise on yer forehead. Looks like it hurts."

"Eh. It'll get better." I shrug.

"Yer one crazy bird, Sadie." He giggles.

I cuddle up against the cushion and doze off into a light sleep. Despite what I'd said, John placed a blanket on my body and tucked it in at the sides. It actually felt nice.

"Goodnight Sadie." He whispered, laying a gentle kiss on my head. "I'll see ye in the morning."

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